Written examination: International Management (Master) - Details

Written examination: International Management (Master) - Details

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General information

Course name Written examination: International Management (Master)
Course number 801617
Semester SoSe 2019
Current number of participants 2
expected number of participants 100
Home institute Organisation und Unternehmensentwicklung
Courses type Written examination in category Teaching
First date Wednesday, 24.04.2019 16:15 - 17:45, Room: (Raum ZHG006: ZHG006, Gebaeude ZHG: Pl. d. Göttinger Sieben 5 (ZHG))
Pre-requisites Recommended:

Fachsemester: 1-3

B.WIWI-BWL.0003: Unternehmensführung und Organisation
Learning organisation The lecture offers an introduction to theories and concepts of international management with a strong connection to practical examples and case studies. Topics include various aspects of internationalization and international organizations, such as drivers of internationalization, market entry strategies, the role of heterogeneous national contexts, and relationships with partner firms across borders.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to…

* demonstrate a profound knowledge of theories and concepts of international management.
* identify and define options of actions and strategies for internationalization and international activities of organizations.
* understand and apply tools and measures important for the international activity of organizations.
* critically discuss these theoretical approaches, concepts and tools.
Performance record Prüfungsanforderungen/ Requirement for taking the exam:


* demonstrate a profound knowledge of theories and concepts in the field of international management.
* show a thorough understanding of how to make use of internationalization strategies and tools.
* demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical concepts to practical examples and case studies.
* apply their ability to critically discuss concepts and approaches of international management.
ECTS points 6

Rooms and times

(Raum ZHG006: ZHG006, Gebaeude ZHG: Pl. d. Göttinger Sieben 5 (ZHG))
Wednesday, 24.04.2019 16:15 - 17:45


In the summer term 2019, a written exam will be offered!

In the winter term, this lecture will be held!

(Die Vorlesung startet zu Beginn des Wintersemesters und endet im Dezember!)