Vorlesung und Seminar: Visual Psychophysics - From Theory to Experiment - Details

Vorlesung und Seminar: Visual Psychophysics - From Theory to Experiment - Details

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General information

Course name Vorlesung und Seminar: Visual Psychophysics - From Theory to Experiment
Course number 631701
Semester SoSe 2020
Current number of participants 6
maximum number of participants 27
Home institute Kognitive Neurowissenschaften und Biologische Psychologie
Courses type Vorlesung und Seminar in category Teaching
Preliminary discussion Wednesday, 22.04.2020 08:15 - 10:00
First date Wednesday, 22.04.2020 08:15 - 10:00
Participants The course is aimed at highly motivated Bachelor and Master students of psychology, biology and physics who have a particular interest in research.
Pre-requisites Prerequisites are completion of the lecture Biologische Psychologie II/Kognitive Neurowissenschaften or an equivalent university course. In addition, t is mandatory to take part in the preceding course MATLAB in Biopsychology and Neuroscience - M.Bio.372 (Prof. Alexander Gail) - https://www.dpz.eu/de/abteilung/kognitive-neurowissenschaften/lehre.html - if you do not already have sufficient MATLAB experience.
Learning organisation Die hier genannten Termine für diese Veranstaltung entsprechen den aktuellen Planungen, auch wenn der In-Präsenz Unterricht über den 20.4. hinaus ausgesetzt bleibt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Kurs derzeit als eine Mischung aus Online- und In-Präsenz-Elementen geplant wird. Derzeit enthält der Zeitplan Blockelemente, d.h. erweiterte Termine zusätzlich zu den wöchentlichen regulären Sitzungen. Abhängig von den Wünschen der Studierenden und der Verfügbarkeit der Dozenten kann sich diese Mischung ändern. Bitte kommen Sie für Updates auf diese Seite zurück. Der auf dieser Seite veröffentlichte Zeitplan ist in Bezug auf die deutsche Zeitzone geplant: Mitteleuropäische Standardzeit (MESZ / UTC+2) und berücksichtigt die Sommerzeit (DST). Bitte beachten Sie auch die Hinweise auf der Webseite zu dieser Veranstaltung (<https://www.dpz.eu/de/abteilung/kognitive-neurowissenschaften/lehre/vorlesungen/sommersemester-2020/visual-psychophysics-ss-2020.html>).

Please be aware, that this course is currently being planned as a mixture of online and in-presence elements. Currently the schedule contains block elements, i.e. extended sessions in addition to weekly regular sessions. Depending on student wishes and instructor availability this mixture might change. Please return to this page for updates. The schedule as published on this page is planned with respect to the German timezone: Central European Standard Time (CEST / UTC+2) and takes Daylight Savings Time (DST) into account. Please also note the information on the website for this course ([https://www.dpz.eu/en/unit/cognitive-neurosciences/teaching/vorlesungen/sommersemester-2020/visual-psychophysics-ss-2020.html][1]).

The introductory meeting and first lecture is taking place on Wednesday, April 22 at 8.15 online - see homepage for up-to-date information:

The exam will take place on Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 8.15 in the MZG / Blauer Turm - WiSoRZ MZG 5.111 (PC-Pool)

The number of participants in this course is limited and participation is only guaranteed after you receive a final confirmation of participation following the preparatory meeting.Note: Registration via the Course homepage does not replace FlexNow registration for those of you who are admitted to the course and want to participate in the exam to receive credit for the course.

[1]: https://www.dpz.eu/en/unit/cognitive-neurosciences/teaching/vorlesungen/sommersemester-2020/visual-psychophysics-ss-2019.html
ECTS points 3

Rooms and times

No room preference
Wednesday: 08:15 - 10:00, weekly(5x)
Friday: 14:15 - 16:00, weekly(6x)
Wednesday, 22.04.2020 08:15 - 10:00
Wednesday, 15.07.2020 08:15 - 10:00
Friday, 31.07.2020 14:00 - 16:00


This introductory course is a mixture of lecture, seminar and practical exercises and will emphasise the importance of psychophysics as a central method in human perceptual and sensorimotor research. Beyond gaining an understanding of the underlying theoretical principles, students should also be able to critically assess published studies and design and conduct their own psychophysical experiments by the end of the course. The course will be taught in Englisch.

The course is aimed at highly motivated Bachelor and Master students of psychology, biology and physics who have a particular interest in research.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Visual Psychophysics - From Theory to Experiment".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The following categories of people are preferred during seat allocation:
    • Subject is Psychologie (971 persons)
    • Degree is Master Uni mit Abschluss and Subject is Microbiology-Biochemistry (3 persons)
    • Degree is Master Uni mit Abschluss and Subject is Developmental-N-B-Biology (148 persons)
    • Subject is Biologie (1313 persons)
  • The enrolment is possible from 02.04.2020, 00:00 to 17.04.2020, 23:59.
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats in the affected courses have been assigned at 18.04.2020 on 03:00. Additional seats may be available via a wait list.

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Potential participants are given additional information before enroling to the course.

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.