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AM 1: Introduction to Medieval English Literature and Culture, C
Flora Sophie Lemburg
Course typ:
This fundamental course intends to develop and improve your critical competence as well as translation skills in the study of medieval English literature. We will be working with a range of set texts from the entire medieval period (e.g. Bede's Account of Caedmon, The Dream of the Rood, or Chaucer's Franklin's Tale) and introduce you to the analysis of the lexical, formal, stylistic, and cultural aspects of various genres of medieval writing. The intensive study and discussion of limited selections of texts will develop your close commentary skills. You will also have the opportunity to have a brief look at manuscript sources. First session attendance is mandatory.

Dieser Kurs kannnichtfürM.EP.02c.2belegt werden kann, wenn er bereits im BA (B.EP.204/B.Eng.601) belegt wurde.
(Theo 0.135 (Theologicum - PIZ 5276))
SoSe 2024
Wed.. 14:00 - 16:00 (weekly)
First appointment: Wednesday, 17.04.2024 14:00 - 16:00, Room: (Theo 0.135 (Theologicum - PIZ 5276))
Course number:
Performance accreditation:
→Ab hier automatisch erfasste Informationen / Beyond this point, the information is filled in automatically← Prüfungsleistung(en) je Modul / Exam details per module: * [(B.Eng.601.2) Introduction to Medieval English Literature and Culture][1] * Klausur: Mi, 17.07.2024, von 14:00:00 bis 16:00:00 ([Theo 0.136 (Theologicum - PIZ 5276)][2]) * [(B.EP.204.2) Introduction to Medieval English Literature and Culture][3] * Klausur: Mi, 17.07.2024, von 14:00:00 bis 16:00:00 ([Theo 0.136 (Theologicum - PIZ 5276)][2]) * [(M.EP.02c.2) Introduction to Medieval English Literature and Culture][4] * Klausur: Mi, 17.07.2024, von 14:00:00 bis 16:00:00 ([Theo 0.136 (Theologicum - PIZ 5276)][2]) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
Further information from Stud.IP about this course
Home institute: Abteilung für Englische Sprache und Literatur des Mittelalters
Participants registered in Stud.IP: 39
Number of postings in Stud.IP forum: 2
Number of documents in the Stud.IP download area: 17