From conceptualisation to communication: key steps in empirical research
Veranstaltungstyp: Vorlesung und Seminar
Beschreibung: Contents:
This module prepares students with a natural sciences focus for international agricultural
research in the framework of their M.Sc. thesis, the prerequisites of which include
the ability to identify a research topic, formulate research questions and working
hypotheses, elaborate a data collection matrix, analyse the collected data and
communicate the obtained results in an effective manner.
Therefore this module emphasises the practice of skills concerning the conceptualisation
of a research project, data acquisition and analysis, and presentation skills. It is
organised in four major sections:
Part I: Conceptualisation of a research project - 15% of time
In a participatory process, students will brainstorm on research topics, learn to
formulate research questions and working hypotheses, and familiarize with the full
conceptualisation of an MSc study proposal, for submission to, e.g., PROMOS or fiat
panis grants.
Part II: Elaboration of a structured e-questionnaire using freeware - 20% of time
Students are introduced to the CS PRO freeware for the setup of e-questionnaires;
they then individually conceptualise and computerise their own questionnaire of 20-30
differently scaled questions and test its functionality.
Part III: Descriptive and creative analysis of data using tabulation software - 50%
of time
Participants receive real-world interview-based data from finalised or ongoing research
projects of the principal instructor"s group. In groups of 2 to 3 persons, they elaborate
the information contained in the database, thereby answering to a series of simple as
well as more complex research questions that guide this analytical step.

Part IV: Preparation and presentation of a research poster - 15% of time
Being provided with guidelines and templates, each group of students designs a
research poster to present their most relevant results (see part III), thereby using
PowerPoint or corresponding freeware. Posters are printed on A0 paper and are
presented in short oral communications of 3-5 minutes, just as at a conference. Each
poster is evaluated by the non-involved participants (standardized evaluation sheet,
covered) and the three best posters receive a poster price.

This course will enable students to develop and execute their own empirical (MSc)
research project, to elaborate empirical real-world data in a meaningful way and to
communicate major insights in a professional manner. The approaches and methods
taught are applicable to a wide range of research topics.
After successful completion of this module, students can:
• Formulate research questions and hypotheses;
• Write a grant application for acquisition of funding for their research project;
• Design an e-questionnaire for interview-based data acquisition;
• Recover interview data in a tabulation program and elaborate meaningful results;
• Pinpoint research highlights in a prize-winning poster.
Ort: (L09 (Tierzucht-Institutsgebäude))
Semester: SoSe 2024
Zeiten: Di. 14:15 - 17:45 (wöchentlich)
Erster Termin: Dienstag, 09.04.2024 14:15 - 17:45, Ort: (L09 (Tierzucht-Institutsgebäude))
Veranstaltungsnummer: 740786
Voraussetzungen: Basic knowledge of Excel and PowerPoint or corresponding freeware
Leistungsnachweis: →Ab hier automatisch erfasste Informationen / Beyond this point, the information is filled in automatically← Prüfungsleistung(en) je Modul / Exam details per module: * [(M.SIA.I21M.Mp) From conceptualisation to communication: key steps in empirical research][1] * Klausur: Di, 16.07.2024, von 14:15:00 bis 15:45:00 ([L09 (Tierzucht-Institutsgebäude)][2]) * Klausur: Di, 15.10.2024, von 14:15:00 bis 15:45:00 ([L09 (Tierzucht-Institutsgebäude)][2]) [1]: [2]:
Sonstiges: • Lecture notes
• Schoonmaker-Freudenberger, K. 2008: Rapid rural appraisal (RRA) and participatory rural appraisal
a manual for CRS field workers and partners. (online resource;
• de Hoyos, M., Barnes, S.A. 2012. Analysing interview data. Warwick Institute for Employment
Research (online resource).
Weitere Informationen aus Stud.IP zu dieser Veranstaltung
Heimatinstitut: Dozenten der Universität Kassel, Witzenhausen
beteiligte Institute: Animal Husbandry in the Tropics and Subtropics
In Stud.IP angemeldete Teilnehmer: 8
Anzahl der Postings im Stud.IP-Forum: 20
Anzahl der Dokumente im Stud.IP-Downloadbereich: 11
Link zu Stud.IP