Natascha Dorothea Wagner

Natascha Dorothea Wagner

Abteilung Systematik, Biodiversität und Evolution der Pflanzen mit Herbarium

Untere Karspüle 2
37073 Göttingen

Telefon:+49 551 39 25731
Fax:+49 551 39 22329
Foto Natascha Dorothea Wagner
Sommersemester 2024
Current projects

Salix L. (Salicaceae)

  • phylogeny of Salix Chamaetia-Vetrix clade using RAD sequencing (DFG project within SPP 1991 "Taxon-OMICS")
  • reticulate evolution, the role of recent and ancient hybridisation and polyploidization in shrub willows

Cooperation projects

  • plant-insect interaction on willows (Tommi Nyman, NIBIO, Norway)
  • trends in willow chemistry (diversity, predator defence mechanism) along elevational gradients and their adaptive potential in hybrid populations (Martin Volf, Budwise, Czech Republic; Nicole van Dam, idiv, Leipzig)

Joint project with James Cook University, Cairns, Australia
Diurideae, Bulbophyllum a.o. (Orchidaceae) [Katharina Schulte, Lalita Simpson]

  • phylogeny and character evolution in Australian ground orchids using NGS methods


Publication record


2023            Wagner ND, Marinček P, Pittet L, and Hörandl E. 2023. Insights into the taxonomically challenging hexaploid alpine shrub willows of Salix sections Phylicifoliae and Nigricantes. Plants 2023, 12(5), 1144;

2023            He L, Guo F.-Y. , Cai X-J, Chen, H-P, Lian C-L, Wang Y, Shang C, Zhang Y., Wagner N D; Zhang Z-X, Hörandl E, and Wang, X-R. 2023. Evolutionary origin and establishment of a dioecious diploid-tetraploid complex. Mol Ecol.

2023           Marinček P, Pittet L, Wagner ND, and Hörandl E. 2023.</fett> Evolution of a hybrid zone of two willow species (Salix L.) in the European Alps analyzed by RAD-seq and morphometrics. Ecology and Evolution, 13, e9700.

2023.          Michell C, Wagner ND, Mutanen M, Lee KM, Nyman TGenomic evidence for contrasting patterns of host-associated genetic differentiation across shared host-plant species in leaf- and bud-galling sawflies. Molecular Ecology

2022          Volf, M., Volfová, T., Hörandl, E., Wagner, N. D., Luntamo, N., Salminen, J.-P., & Sedio, B. E. (2022). Abiotic stress rather than biotic interactions drives contrasting trends in chemical richness and variation in alpine willows. Functional Ecology, 36, 2701– 2712.
2022           Karbstein K, Tomasello S, Hodač L, Wagner ND, Marinček P, Barke BH, Pätzold C, Hörandl E (2022) Untying Gordian knots: Unraveling reticulate polyploid plant evolution by genomic data using the large Ranunculus auricomus species complex. New Phytologist;

2022           Marinček P, Wagner ND, Tomasello S. aDNA extraction methods for herbarium specimens – When is it worth the effort? Applications in Plant Sciences: 11477 DOI: 

2022            Jørgensen PR, Krogh PH, Qin J, Modesti L, Broman Nielsen I, Seersholm F, Wagner ND, et al (17 authors), Barrett G. 2022. Ancient root macropores and fractures in glacial till and their contribution to pesticide vulnerability of groundwater in low and high‐ground agricultural landscapes ‐ PESTPORE2. Pesticide Research N 207; ISBN: 978-87-7038-376-9. Publ. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency. 

2021            Wagner, ND, Volf, M, Hörandl, E. 2021. Highly diverse shrub willows (Salix L.) share highly similar plastomes. Frontiers in Plant  Sciences

2021           Hörandl E., Oberprieler C., Marhold K., Wagner ND (2021) Editorial: Evolution and Biodiversity of Polyploid Plants. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 12: 723439. 

2021           Wagner ND, He L, Hörandl E. (2021) The evolutionary history, diversity, and ecology of willows (Salix L.) in the European Alps. Diversity. 2021; 13(4):146. 

2021            Wagner, N.D., Clements, M.A., Simpson, L, Nargar, K (2021) Conservation in the face of hybridisation: genome-wide study to evaluate taxonomic delimitation and conservation status of a threatened orchid species. Conservation Genetics, 22(1), 151-168. (pdf).

2021             He, L., Jia, K.‐H., Zhang, R.‐G., Wang, Y., Shi, T.‐L., Li, Z.‐C., Zeng, S.‐W., Cai, X.‐J., Wagner, N.D., Hörandl, E., Muyle, A., Yang, K., Charlesworth, D. and Mao, J.‐F. 2021. Chromosome‐scale assembly of the genome of Salix dunnii reveals a male‐heterogametic sex determination system on chromosome 7. Mol Ecol Resour. (pdf).

2020           Wagner ND, He L, Hörandl E (2020) Relationships and genome evolution of polyploid Salix species revealed by RAD sequencing data. Frontiers in Plant Sciences 11:1077

2020          Wagner ND, Clements MA, Simpson L, Nargar K (2020) Conservation genomics of Australian orchid complex with implications on the taxonomic and conservation status of Corybas dowlingii. BioRxiv 

2020         He L, Wagner ND, Hörandl E (2020) RAD sequencing data reveal a radiation of willow species (Salix L., Salicaceae) in the Hengduan Mountains and adjacent areas. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 1-14.

2018         Gramlich S, Wagner ND, Hörandl E. (2018). RAD-seq reveals genetic structure of the F2-generation of natural willow hybrids (Salix L.) and a great potential for interspecific introgression. BMC Plant Biology 18:317

2018         Wagner, ND (2018) Mit kleinen Schnipseln zum großen Stammbaum - Die Verwandtschaft der europäischen Strauchweiden. Biologie in unserer Zeit, 5(48): 324-331. doi:10.1002/ biuz.201810656  

2018         Nargar K., Molina S., Wagner, N.D., Nauheimer, L., Micheneau C., and M. A. Clements (2018) Australasian orchid diversification in time and space: Molecular phylogenetic insights from the beard orchids (Calochilus, Diurideae). Australian Systematic Botany (accepted)

2018         Wagner N. D., Gramlich S., Hörandl E. (2018) RAD sequencing resolved phylogenetic relationships in European shrub willows (Salix L. subg. Chamaetia and subg. Vetrix) and revealed multiple evolution of dwarf shrubs. Ecol Evol. 2018;00:1–13.

2017        Juraj Paule, Natascha Wagner, Kurt Weising, Georg Zizka (2017) Ecological range shift in the polyploid members of the South American genus Fosterella (Bromeliaceae). Annals of Botany

2016        Schütz, N., Wagner, N., Krapp, F. und K. Weising (2016): “Phylogeny of Pitcairnioideae s.str. (Bromeliaceae): evidence from nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequence data” Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 181 (3): 323–342

2016        Mendes de Lima Silva, H, Varão Vasconcelos, E., Benko-Iseppon, A. M., Wagner, N., Weising, K. und A. C. Brasileiro-Vidal (2016): “Chromosomal features of Fosterella L. (Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae) species” Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 181 (3): 532–541

2016        Wöhrmann, T, Huettel, B., Wagner N. und K. Weising (2016): “Microsatellites from Fosterella christophii (Bromeliaceae) by de novo transcriptome sequencing on the Pacific Biosciences RS” Applied Plant Sciences 4(1): apps.1500084

2015        Wagner, N. und K. Weising (2015): “A large living collection of Fosterella L.B.Sm. in the centre of Germany” Die Bromelie

2015        Wagner, N., Wöhrmann, T., Öder, V., Burmeister, A. und K. Weising (2015): Reproduction biology and chloroplast inheritance in Bromeliaceae: a case study in Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae), Plant Systematics and Evolution (online first) doi: 10.1007/s00606-015-1226-x

2015        Brandt, R., Lomonosova, M., Weising, K., Wagner N. und H. Freitag: “Phylogeny and biogeography of Suaeda subg. Brezia (Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae) in the Americas”. Plant Systematics and Evolution

2014        Kloeber, S. und N. Wagner (2014): Potenzielle Ausbreitung invasiver Pflanzenarten durch Vogelfutter, Vogelwarte 52: 204-206

2013        Wagner, N., Silvestro, D., Brie, D., Ibisch, P. L., Zizka, G., Weising, K. und K. Schulte (2013): "Spatiotemporal evolution of Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) in the Central Andean biodiversity hotspot", Journal of Biogeography (2013) 40, 869–880

2012        Wöhrmann, T., Wagner, N., Krapp, F. Huettel, B., Weising, K. (2012): "Development of microsatellite Markers in Fosterella rusbyi (Bromeliaceae) using 454 pyrosequencing". American Journal of Botany (2012) 99 (4) e160-e163


2013         N. Wagner: „Phylogeographie und Populationsgenetik der Arten der Gattung Fosterella (Bromeliaceae) in den südamerikanischen Anden“, Dissertation (PhD thesis)

2007         N. Wagner: „Etablierung von Chloroplasten-DNA-Markern für molekulare Verwandtschaftsanalysen in der Gattung Deuterocohnia (Bromeliaceae), Diplom


Selected oral and poster presentations

2021       Pittet, Wagner, Marinček & Hörandl: DBG Sektion Biodiversity and Evolution - Meeting of the section (online) "Morphological and genetic inconsistency in the hybrid zones of alpine willow species pairs"
2021       Wagner, N. Volf M,  Pittet L, Marinček P & Hörandl E  DBG Sektion Biodiversity and Evolution - Meeting of the section (online) "Highly diverse willows share highly similar plastomes" 

2021       Wagner, N. Institut de recherche en biologie végétale, Université de Montréal, Canada. Weeping willows - weeping scientists. Disentangling the complex evolution of shrub willows (Salix L.)

2021       Wagner N. Taxon-Omics (SPP 1991-2) Annual meeting (kick-off 2nd round) (online) Towards a sectional classification of shrub willows (Chamaetia/Vetrix clade, Salix, Salicaceae)

2019       Wagner, N,  Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft zur Erforschung der Flora Deutschlands (GEFD) 2019, Potsdam, Germany. Verflochten wie ein Weidenkorb - neue molekulare Erkenntnisse zur Evolution der Gattung Salix
2019       Wagner, N, Hörandl, E. Botany 2019, Tucson, Arizona, USA. Tetra, hexa, octo – dealing with polyploid species in genus Salix L. subg. Chamaetia/Vetrix in times of big data.
2019       Wagner, N,  Systematic Seminar, Prof. Renner, LMU München, Germany. Like a wicker basket - disentangling the evolution of Eurasian shrub willows 
2019       Wagner, N., Hörandl, E. 20th Annual Meeting of the Society for Biological Systematics (Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, GfBS), Munich: Dealing with reticulate evolution and polyploidy in times of big data – evolution of Eurasian shrub willows (Salix, subg. Chamaetia/Vetrix)

2018       Weising, K., Wagner N. et al. Monocots VI - 6. International Conference on Comparative Biology of Monocotyledones (Brazil): Recent advances in the Pitcairnioideae systematics. 
2018      Nargar, K., Wagner, N., et al.  Monocots VI - 6. International Conference on Comparative Biology of Monocotyledones (Brazil): Australasian orchid diversification in space and time: phylogenomic insights from the beard orchids (Calochilus, Diurideae)

2017       Wagner, N. et al. DBG Kiel (Germany): Evolution like a wicker basket – insights into phylogenetics, reticulate evolution and polyploidy of European Willows (Salix L.) using RAD sequencing
2017       Wagner, N. et al. IX International Botanical Congress (IBC), Shenzhen, China (oral presentation): Insights into Reticulate Evolution and Hybridization in the Phylogeny of Willows (Salix L.) using RAD Sequencing

2015        Wagner, N. et al., First Congress on Bromeliad Evolution - BromEvo1 Redife, Brazil (oral presentation, invited speaker): Breaking down all barriers – reproduction biology and speciation in Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae s.str.)
2015         Wagner, N., Schütz, N., et al. First Congress on Bromeliad Evolution - BromEvo1 Redife, Brazil (oral presentation) Chloroplast haplotypes indicate ancient and recent hybridization in the genus Deuterocohnia (Bromeliaceae)

2014         Wagner, N. et al., BioDivEvol, Dresden (Vortrag): Species boundaries in the Fosterella micrantha group (Bromeliaceae)

2013         Wagner, N. et al., Monocots V, New York (oral presentation): Contrasting patterns of nuclear and plastid data in subfamily Pitcairnioideae (Bromeliaceae)

2012         Wagner, N. et al., DBG, Mainz (Poster): Tracing speciation processes in the Latin American genus Fosterella

2011         Wagner, N. et al., IBC, Melbourne (e-Poster): Evolution in the central Andes: Phylogeny and phylogeography of Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae)
2011         Wagner, N. et al., DBG, Berlin (Poster): Phylogeny and phylogeography of South American Fosterella (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae)
2010         Wagner, N. et al., Sect. Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology der DBG-Tagung, Wien (oral presentation): A journey through space and time - biogeographical analysis of Fosterella (Bromeliaceae)

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