Professorin / Professor, Chair   >   UnivProf.Dr. Christoph Leuschner
UnivProf.Dr. Christoph Leuschner

Phone: +49 551 39 25718
Fax: +49 551 39 25701
Office hours: By appointment

Research interests

1) Ecophysiology of temperate and tropical trees (carbon, water and nutrient relations)
2) Ecology of tree root systems
3) Forest dynamics research
4) Climate change effects on temperate and tropical forests
5) Biodiversity and ecosystem function in forests
6) Ecology of the tropical timberline
7) Vegetation ecology of Central Europe (Synthesis)
8) Conservation of biodiversity in agroecosystems

Curriculum vitae


1994 Habilitation in Botany at the University of Göttingen (Faculty of Biology), Germany (venia legendi)

1983 - 1986 PhD study at the Systematisch-Geobotanisches Institut, University of Göttingen, Germany
Degree obtained: Dr. rer. nat.
Thesis title: Microclimatological and physiological studies on rainfall interception in herbaceous plant communities

1983 - 1984 Postgraduate studies program in Water Ressources Research, University of Hannover, Germany

1979 - 1983 Study of Geography at the Universities of Freiburg/Br. and Göttingen, Germany

1978 - 1982 Study of Biology an the Universities of Freiburg/Br. and Göttingen, Germany
Degrees obtained: Dipl.-Biol. Univ and Dipl.-Geogr. Univ.

1975 High School graduation: Allgemeine Hochschulreife, in Hamburg, Germany

Work experience:

2000 - dato Full Professorship in Plant Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Göttingen, Germany
1996 - 2000 Full Professorship in Ecology, Faculty of Biology, University of Kassel, Germany
1994/1996 Senior lecturer (Private docent) at the Faculty of Biology, University of Göttingen, Germany
1991 - 1994 Scientific Assistant at the Department of Plant Ecology, University of Göttingen, Germany
1991/1992 Visiting scientist at the University of Hawaii, USA, and Université de la Réunion, France
1988 - 1991 Postdoc at the University of Göttingen, Germany
1986 - 1988 Postdoc at the University of Kiel, Germany

Scientific duties and serviceship:

2000 - dato Director of the New Botanical Garden (Experimental Botanical Garden), University of Göttingen, Germany
2000 - dato Chair of the Göttingen Centre for Biodiversity and Ecology (GCBE), Germany

Co-Editor of Journal of Vegetation Science (JVS)
Member of the Editorial Board of several journals (including Basic and Applied Ecology, European J. Forest Research, Phytocoenologia and others)


List of all publications (pdf file)

Publication list Christoph Leuschner


421)  Diekmann M, Heinken T, Becker T, Dörfler I, Heinrichs S, Leuschner C, Peppler-Lisbach C, Osthaus M, Schmidt W, Strubelt I, Wagner E-R (2023) Resurvey studies of terricolous bryophytes and lichens indicate a widespread nutrient enrichment in German forest. J Veg Sci 34: e13201.

420)  Leuschner C, Hohnwald S, Petritan A, Walentowski H (2023) Vertical temperature and air humidity gradients in beech and oak forests, and the forest interior climate created by beech. Flora 305, 152317.

419)  Leuschner C, Weithmann G, Bat-Enerel B, Weigel R (2023) The future of European beech in Northern Germany – Climate change vulnerability and adaptation potential. Forests 14, 1448.

418)  Leuschner C, Bat-Enerel B, Weithmann G, Weigel R (2023) Die Zukunft der Buche in Norddeutschlands: Klimasensitivität und Anpassungsvermögen. Allg Forst- u. Jagdz. (in press).

417)  Rodenwald N, Sutcliffe LMW, Leuschner C, Batary P (2023) Weak evidence for biocontrol spillover from both flower strips and grassy field margins in conventional cereals. Agric Ecosyst Env 355: 108614.

416) Schnee L., Sutcliffe, LME, Leuschner C, Donath TW (2023) Weed seed banks in intensive farmland and the influence of tillage, field position and sown flower strips. Land 12, 926.

415) Schneider H, Meyer P, Aljes M, Culmsee H, Diers M, Förster A, Leuschner C (2023) Wie kann Naturnähe im Wald gemessen werden? Natur u. Landschaft 98: 49-57.

414) Waite P-A, Leuschner C, Delzon S, Triadiati T, Saad A, Schuldt B (2023) Plasticity of wood and leaf traits related to hydraulic efficiency and safety is linked to evaporative demand and not soil moisture in rubber (Hevea brasiliensis).  Tree Physiol (in press).

413)  Zerbe S, Storz ST, Leitinger  G, Zoe Joelson N, Bava J, Heinrichs S, Leuschner C, Loguercio G, Simon A, Urretavizcaya MF, Walentowski H (2023) Regeneration of Nothofagus dombeyi (Mirb.) Ørst. in little to moderately disturbed southern beech forests in the Andes of Patagonia (Argentina). For Ecosyst 10, 100126.

412)  Zweifel R, Pappas C, Peters RL, Babst F, Balanztegui D, Basler D, Bastos A, Beloiu M, Buchmann N, Bose AK, Braun S, .... Leuschner C et al. (2023) Networking the forest infrastructure towards near real-time monitoring – A white paper. Sci Tot Env 872, 162167.


411) Ali, AA, Fan, Y, Corre MD, Kotowska M, Hassler E, Cahyo, AN, Moyano FE, Stiegler C, Röll A, Meijide A, Olchev A, Ringeler A, Leuschner C, Ariani R, June T, Tarigan S, Kreft H, Hölscher D, Xu C, Koven CD, Dagon K, Fisher RA, Veldkamp E, Knohl A (2022) Implementing a new rubber plant functional type in the Community Land Model (CLM5) improves the accuracy of carbon and water flux estimation. Land 11: 183.

410) Bat-Enerel B, Weigel R, Leuschner C (2022) Changes in the thermal and hydrometeorological forest growth climate during 1948-2017 in northern Germany. Front For Glob Change 5, 830977.

409) Diers M, Weigel R, Leuschner C (2023) Both climate sensitivity and growth trend decline in European beech in the north German lowlands, while Scots pine still thrives, despite growing sensitivity. Trees 37: 523-543.

408) Dulamsuren C, Bat-Enerel B, Meyer P, Leuschner C (2022) Did stand opening 60 years ago predispose a European beech population to death? Trees For People 8, 100265.

407) Dulamsuren C, Coners H, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2023) Climatic control of high-resolution stem radius changes in a drought-limited southern boreal forest. Trees 37: 797-810.

406) Kasper J, Leuschner C, Walentowski H, Weigel R (2022) Higher growth synchrony and climate change-sensitivity in European beech and silver linden than in temperate oaks. J Biogegr. 50: 209-222. doi: 10.1111/jbi.14525.

405) Kotowska M, et al. (2022) Consequences of tropical rainforest conversion to tree plantations on fine root dynamics and functional traits. Oikos 2023: e08898.

404) Leuschner C, Tückmantel T, Meier IC (2022) Temperature effect on root exudation in mature beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forests along an elevation gradient. Plant Soil. 481: 147-163.

403) Leuschner C, Homeier J (2022) Global forest biodiversity: Current state, trends and threats. Progress in Botany 83: 125-159.

402) Leuschner C, Förster A, Diers M, Culmsee H (2022) Are Northern German Scots pine plantations climate smart? The impact of large-scale conifer planting on climate, soil and the water cycle. For Ecol Manage 507, 120013.

401)  Leuschner C, Feldmann E, Pichler V, Glatthorn J, Hertel D (2022) Forest management impact on soil organic carbon: A paired-plot study in primeval and managed European beech forests. For Ecol Manage 512, 120163.

400) Luick R, Hennenberg K, Leuschner C, Grossmann M, Jedicke E, Schoof N, Waldenspuhl T (2021) Primeval, natural and commercial forests in the context biodiversity and climate protection. Part 2: Naturschutz u. Landschaftsplanung 54: 22-35.

399) Martinez del Castillo, E., Zang C, Buras A, Hacket-Pain A, Esper J, …… Leuschner C., et al. (2022) Climate-change-driven growth decline of European beech forests. Communcations Biology 5: 163.

398) Pierick K, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2022) Elevational trends of tree fine root traits in species-rich tropical Andean forests. Oikos 2023: e08975.

397) Schneider H, Meyer P, Aljes M, Culmsee H, Diers M, Förster A, Leuschner C (2023) Wie kann Naturnähe von Wäldern bewertet werden? Natur u. Landschaft 98: 49-57.

396) Sutcliffe L, Leuschner C (2022) Auswirkungen von Biodiversitätsmaßnahmen auf die Segetalflora auf intensiv bewirtschafteten landwirtschafteten Flächen. Ergebnisse aus dem F.R.A.N.Z.-Projekt. Naturschutz und Landschaftsflanung 54: 22-29.

395) Weigel R, Bat-Enerel B, Dulamsuren C, Muffler L, Weithmann G, Leuschner C (2023) Summer drought exposure, stand structure, and soil properties jointly control the growth of European beech along a steep precipitation gradient in northern Germany. Glob Change Biol. 29: 763-779. 

394) Weithmann G., Schuldt B., Leuschner C. (2022) Soil water availability and branch age explain variability in xylem safety of European beech in Central Europe. Oecologia 198: 629-644.

393) Weithmann G, Paligi SS, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2022) Branch xylem vascular adjustments in European beech in response to decreasing water availability across a precipitation gradient. Tree Physiol. 42: 2224-2238.



392) Albrecht J, Peters MK, Becker JN, Behler C, Classen A, Ensslin A, ...... Leuschner, C, ....Schleuning M (2021) Species richness is more important for ecosystem functioning than species turnover along an elevational gradient. Nat. Ecol. Evol. 5: 1582-1593.

391) Bendix J, Aguire N, Beck E, Bräuning A, Brandl R, Breuer L, Böhning-Gaese K, Dantas de Paula M, Hickler T, Homeier J, Inclan D, Leuschner C, Neuschulz E L, Schleuning M, Suarez J P, Trachte K, Wilcke W, Windhorst D, Farwig N (2021) A research framework for projecting ecosystem change in highly diverse tropical mountain ecosystem. Oecologia 195: 589-600.

390) Diers M, Weigel R, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2021) Soil carbon and nutrient stocks under Scots pine plantations in comparison to European beech forests: a paired-plot study across forests with different management history and precipitation regimes. Forest Ecosystems 8: 47.

389) Erasmy M, Leuschner C, Balkenhol N, Dietz M (2021) Shed light in the dark – How do natural canopy gaps influence temperate bat activity and diversity? For. Ecol. Manage. 497, 119509.

388) Erasmy M, Leuschner C, Balkenhol N, Dietz M (2021) Three-dimensional stratification pattern in an old-growth lowland forest: how does height in canopy and season influence temperate bat activity? Ecology and Evolution 11: 17273-17288.

387) Förster A, Werner R, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2021) Belowground consequences of converting broadleaf to conifer forest: Comparing the fine root systems of European beech and Scots pine. For. Ecol. Manage. 496, 119457.  

386) Fuchs S, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2021) Identification of drought-tolerant tree species through climate sensitivity analysis of radial growth in Central European mixed broadleaf forests. For Ecol Manage 330: 126-136.  

385) Fuchs, Leuschner C, Link R., Schuldt B (2021) Hydraulic variability of three temperate broadleaf tree species along a water availability gradient in Central Europe. New Phytol. 231: 1387-1400.

384) Glatthorn J, Annighöfer P, Balkenhol N, Leuschner C, Polle A, Scheu S, Schuldt A, Schuldt B, Ammer C (2021) An interdisciplinary framework to describe and evaluate the functioning of forest ecosystems. Basic Appl Ecol 52: 1-14.

383) Homeier J, Leuschner C (2021) Factors controlling the productivity of tropical Andean forests: Climate and soil are more important than tree diversity. Biogeosciences 18: 1525-1541.

382) Heinrichs S, Öder V, Indreica A, Bergmeier E, Leuschner C, Walentowski H (2021) The influence of Tilia tomentosa Moench on plant species diversity and composition in mesophilic forests of Western Romania – A potential tree species for warming forests in Central Europe? Sustainability 13, 7996.

381) Homeier J, Seeler T, Pierick K, Leuschner C (2021) Leaf trait variation in species-rich tropical Andean forests. Sci Rep 11: 9993.

380) Kasper J, Weigel R, Leuschner C (2021) Winners and losers of climate warming: Declining growth in Fagus and Tilia vs. stable growth in three Quercus species in the natural beech-oak forest ecotone (western Romania). For. Ecol. Manage. 506, 119892. 

379) Kasper J, Weigel R, Gröning A, Petritan A, Walentowski H, Leuschner C (2021) Climate warming-induced replacement of mesic beech by thermophilic oak forests will reduce the carbon storage potential in aboveground biomass and soil. Ann For Sci 78: 89.

378) Kotowska M, Link RM, Röll A, Hertel D, Hölscher D, Waite P-A, Moser G, Tjoa A, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2021) Effects of wood hydraulic properties on water use and productivity of tropical rainforest trees. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3: 598759.

377) Leuschner C, Schipka F, Backes K (2021) Stomatal regulation and water potential variation in European beech: challenging the iso/anisohydry concept. Tree Physiol 42: 365-378.

376) Limberger O, Homeier J, Farwig N, Pucha-Cofrep F, Fries A, Leuschner C, Trachte K, Bendix J (2021) Classification of Tree Functional Types in a megadiverse tropical 
mountain forests from leaf optical metrics and functional traits for two 
related ecosystem functions. Forests 12: 649.

375) Lübbe T, Lamarque L, Delzon S, Torres-Ruiz JM, Burlett R, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2022) High variation in hydraulic efficiency but not xylem safety between roots and branches in four temperate broad-leaved tree species. Funct Ecol 36: 699-712.

374) Luick, R, Hennenberg K, Leuschner C, Grossmann M, Jedicke E, Schoof N, Waldenspuhl T (2021) Primeval, natural and commercial forests in the context biodiversity and climate protection. Part 1: Functions for biodiversity and as carbon sinks and reservoirs. Naturschutz u. Landschaftsplanung 53: 12-25.

373) Meyer P, Aljes M, Culmsee H, Feldmann E, Glatthorn J, Leuschner C, Schneider H (2021) Quantifying old-growthness of lowland European beech forests by a multivariate indicator for forest structure. Ecol. Indic. 125, 107575.

372) Pichler V, Gomoryova E, Leuschner C, Homolák M, Abrudan IV, Pichlerova M, Strelcová K, Di Filippo A, Sitko R (2021) Parent material effect on soil organic carbon concentration under primeval European beech forests at regional scale. Forests 12: 405.

371) Pierick K, Homeier J, Leuschner C (2021) Topography as a factor driving small-scale variation in tree fine root traits and root functional diversity in a species-rich tropical montane forest. New Phytol 230: 129-138.

370) Schlund M, Kotowska M, Brambach F, Hein J, Wessel B, Camaretta N, Silalahi M, Surati Jaya IN, Erasmi S, Leuschner C, Kreft H (2021) Spaceborne height models reveal above ground biomass changes in tropical landscapes. For Ecol Manage 497: 119497.

369) Sierra Cornejo N, Hertel D, Becker J N, Hemp A, Leuschner C (2020) Climate implications on forest above- and belowground carbon allocation patterns along a tropical elevation gradient on Mt. Kilimanjaro (Tanzania). Oecologia 195: 797-812.

368) Stock SC, Koester M, Boy J, Godoy R, Najera F, Matus F, Merino C, Abdallah K et al.       (2021) Plant carbon investment in fine roots and arbuscular mycorrhiza: a cross-biome study on nutrient acquisition strategies. Sci Tot Env 781, 146748.

367) Wallis, C.; Tiede, Y.; Beck, E.; Boehning-Gaese, K.; Brandl, R.; Donoso, D.A.; Espinosa, C.; Fries, A.; Homeier, J.; Inclan, D.; Leuschner, C.; Maraun, M.; Mikolajewski, K.; Neuschulz, E.L.; Scheu, S.; Schleuning, M.; Suárez, J.P.; Tinoco, B.A.; Farwig, N. & Bendix, J. (2021): Biodiversity and ecosystem functions depend on environmental conditions and resources rather than the geodiversity of a tropical biodiversity hotspot. Scientific Reports 11, 24530.

366) Weithmann G, Schuldt B, Link RM, Heil D, Hoeber S, John H, Müller-Haubold H, Schüller, L-M, Schumann K, Leuschner C (2022) Leaf trait modification in European beech trees in response to climatic and edaphic drought (2021) Plant Biology 24: 1272-1286.

365) Wietzke A, von Waveren C-S, Bergmeier E, Meyer S, Leuschner C (2021) Current state and drivers of arable plant diversity in conventionally managed farmland in Northwest Germany. Diversity 12: 469.

364) Zimmermann J, Link R M, Hauck M, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2021) A 60-year record of stem xylem anatomy and related hydraulic modification under increasing summer drought in ring- and diffuse-porous temperate broad-leaved tree species. Trees 35: 917-937.



363) Ahrens, B., Guggenberger, G., Rethemeyer, J., John, S., Marschner, B., Heinze, S., Angst, G., Mueller, C. W., Kogel-Knabner, I., Leuschner, C., Hertel, D., Bachmann, J., Reichstein, M., Schrumpf, M. (2020). Combination of energy limitation and sorption capacity explains 14C depth gradients. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 148: 107912. doi:10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107912.

362) Feldmann, E., Glatthorn, J., Ammer, C., Leuschner C. (2020) Regeneration dynamics following the formation of understory gaps in a Slovakian beech virgin forest. Forests 11: 585.

361) Förster A, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2020) Thinned northern German Scots pine forests have a low carbon storage and uptake potential in comparison to naturally developing beech forests. For Ecol Manage 479: 118575.

360) Fuchs S, Hertel D, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2020) Effects of summer drought on the fine root system of five broadleaf tree species along a precipitation gradient. Forests 11, 289.

359) Grass I, Kubitza C, Krishna VV, Corre MD, Mußhoff O, Pütz P, Drescher J, Rembold K, Ariyanti ES,, Barnes AD, Brinkmann N, Brose U, Brümmer B, Buchori D, Daniel R, Darras KFA, Faust H, Fehrmann L, Hein J, Hennings N, Hidayat P, Hölscher D, Jochum M, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska V, Kreft H, Leuschner C, Lobite NJS,  Panjaitan R, Polle A, Potapov AM, Purnama E, Qaim M, Röll A, Scheu S, Schneider D, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, Veldkamp E, Wollni M (2020) Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapes. Nature Commun.11: 1186.

358) Hauck M, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2020) Klimawandel und Vegetation. Eine globale Übersicht. Springer Spektrum.

357) Hohnwald S, Indreica A, Walentowski H, Leuschner C (2020) Microclimatic tipping points at the beech-oak ecotone in the western Romanian Carpathians. Forests 11, 919.

356) Ibe K, Walmsley D, Fichtner A, Coners H, Leuschner C, Härdtle W (2020) Provenance- and life history stage-specific responses of the dwarf shrub Calluna vulgaris to elevated vapour pressure deficit. Plant Ecology 221: 1219-1232.

355) Leuschner C (2020) Drought response of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) – A review. Perspec Plant Ecol Evol Syst 47:125576. DOI: 10.1016/j.ppees.2020.125576.

354) Nowak, P, Khine PK, Homeier J, Leuschner C, Miehe G, Kluge J (2020) A plot-based elevational assessment of species densities, life forms and leaf traits of seed plants in the south-eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, North Myanmar. Plant Ecology & Diversity 13: 437-450.

353) Leuschner C, Hagemeier M (2020) The economy of canopy space occupation and shade production in early- to late-successional temperate tree species and their relation to productivity. Forests 11, 317.

352) Link R, Fuchs S, Arias Aguilar D, Leuschner C, Ugalde MC, Otarala JCV, Schuldt B (2020) Tree height predicts the shape of radial sap flow profiles of Costa Rican tropical dry forest tree species. Agric For Meteorol. 287, 107913.

351) Meier, I.C., Tückmantel, T., Heitkötter, J., Müller, K., Preusser, S., Wrobel, T. J., Kandeler, E., Marschner, B., Leuschner, C. (2020) Root exudation of mature beech forests across a nutrient availability gradient: The role of root morphology and fungal activity. New Phytol. 226: 583-594.

350) Poyatos R, Granda V, Flo V, Adams MA, ..... Leuschner C, ..... Oliveira R S (2020) Global transpiration data from sap flux measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database. Earth System Science Data. 13, 2607–2649. DOI:10.5194/essd-2020-227.

349) Sierra Cornejo N, Hertel D, Becker J N, Hemp A, Leuschner C (2020) Biomass, morphology and dynamics of the fine root system across a 3000 m-elevation gradient on Mt Kilimanjaro. Front Plant Sci. 11: 13. doi. org/10.3389/fpls.2020.00013.

348) Walentowski H, Hohnwald S, Thren M, Kappas M, Leuschner C, Lencinas JD, Bava JO, Loguercio G, Urretavizcaya F, Barrotaeveña C, Martínez Pastur GJ, Zerbe S (2020)  Exemplary Knowledge Transfer Between Germany and Patagonia as Contribution to the Regional Achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Biomed J Sci Tech Res 25: 19388-19391. DOI: 10.26717/BJSTR.2020.25.004242

347) Wietzke A, Leuschner C (2020) Surveying the arable plant diversity of conventinally managed farmland: a comparison of methods. Environ Monit Assess 192: 98.

346)  Wietzke A, Albert K, Bergmeier E, Sutcliffe, LME, van Waveren C-S, Leuschner C (2020) Flower strips, conservation field margins and fallows promote the arable flora in intensively farmed landscapes: results of a 4-year study. Agricult, Ecosyst Environ 304: 107142.

345) Wordell-Dietrich P, Wotte A, Rethemeyer J, Bachmann J, Helfrich M, Kirfel K, Leuschner C, Don A (2020) Vertical partitioning of CO2 production in a forest soil. Biogeosciences 17: 6341-6356.



344)  Brambach F, Leuschner C, Tjoa A, Culmsee H (2020) Predominant colonization of Malesian mountains by Australian tree lineages. J Biogeogr 47: 355-370.

343) Diekmann M, Andres C, Becker T, Bennie J, Blüml V, Bullock JM, Culmsee H, Fanigliulo M, Hahn A, Heinken T, Leuschner C et al. (2019) Patterns of long-term vegetation change vary between different types of semi-natural grasslands in Western and Central Europe. J Veg Sci 30: 187-202.

342) Göbel L, Coners H, Hertel D, Willinghöfer S, Leuschner C (2019) The role of low soil temperature for photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of three graminoids from different elevations. Frontiers Plant Sci 10, 330.

341) Hagemeier M, Leuschner C (2019) Functional crown architecture of five temperate broadleaf tree species: Vertical gradients in leaf morphology, leaf angle, and leaf area 
density. Forests 10, 265.

340) Hagemeier M, Leuschner C (2019) Leaf and crown optical properties of five early-, mid- and late-successional temperate tree species and their relation to sapling light demand. Forests 10, 925; doi:10.3390/f10100925

339) Kaufmann S, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2019) Vertical variation in epiphytic cryptogam species richness and composition in a primeval Fagus sylvatica forest. J Veg Sci 30: 881-892.

338) Kirfel K, Hertel D, Heinze S, Leuschner C (2019) Effects of bedrock type and soil chemistry on the fine roots of European beech – A study on the belowground plasticity of trees. For Ecol Manage 444: 256-268. 

337)  Leuschner C, Wedde P, Lübbe T (2019) The relation between pressure-volume curve traits and stomatal regulation of water potential in five temperate broadleaf tree species. Ann For Sci 76: 60.

336) Liese R, Leuschner C, Meier IC (2019) The effect of drought and season on root lifespan in temperate AM and ECM tree species. J Ecol 107: 2226-2239.

335) Mausolf K, Härdtle W, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Fichtner A (2020) Impacts of multiple environmental change drivers on growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.): Forest history matters. Ecosystems 23: 529-540

334) Röll, A, Fiu R, Meijde A, Ahongshangbam J, Ehbrecht M, Guillaume T, Gunawan D, Hardanto A, Hendrayanto, Hertel D, Kotowska M, Kreft H, Kuzyakov Y, Leuschner C, Nomura M, Polle A, Rembold K, Sahner J, Seidel D, Zemp DC, Knohl A, Hölscher D (2019) Transpiration on the rebound in lowland Sumatra. Agric For Meteorol 274: 160-171

333) Schumann K, Leuschner C, Schuldt B (2019) Xylem hydraulic safety and efficiency in relation to leaf and wood traits in three temperate Acer species differing in habitat preferences. Trees 33: 1475-1490.

332) Waite P A, Schuldt B, Link R, Breidenbach N, Triadiati T, Hennings N, Saad A, Leuschner C (2019) Soil moisture regime and palm height influence embolism resistance in oil palm. Tree Physiol. 39: 1696-1712.



331) Angst G, Messinger J, Greiner M, Häusler W, Hertel D, Kirfel K, Kögl-Knabner I, Leuschner C, Rethemeyer J, Müller CW (2018) Soil organic carbon stocks in topsoil and subsoil controlled by parent material, carbon input in the rhizosphere, and microbial-derived compounds. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 122: 19-30.

330) Dulamsuren C, Abilova SB, Bektayeva M, Eldarov M, Schuldt B, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2018) Hydraulic architecture and vulnerability to drought-induced embolism in southern boreal tree species of Inner Asia. Tree Physiol. doi:10.1093/treephys/tpy116.

329) Feldmann E, Drößler L, Hauck M, Kucbel S, Pichler V, Leuschner C (2018) Canopy gap dynamics and tree understory release in a virgin beech forest, Slovakian Carpathians. Forest Ecology and Management 415-416: 38-46.

328) Feldmann E, Glatthorn J, Hauck, M., Leuschner C (2018) A novel empirical approach for determining the extension of forest development stages in temperate old-growth forests. European Journal of Forest Research 137: 321-335.

327) Glatthorn J, Feldmann E, Tabaku V, Leuschner C, Meyer P (2018) Classifying development stages of primeval European beech forests: is clustering a useful tool? BMC Ecology 18:47.

326) Kaufmann S, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2018) Effects of natural forest dynamics on vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen diversity in primeval Fagus sylvatica forests and comparison with production forests. Journal of Ecology 106: 2421-2434.

325) Klingenberg E, Leuschner C (2018) A belowground perspective of temperate old-growth forests: Fine root system structure in beech primeval and production forests. Forest Ecol Manage 425: 68-74.

324) Leuschner C, Meier IC (2018) The ecology of Central European tree species: Trait spectra, functional trade-offs, and ecological classification of adult trees. Perspect. Plant Ecol Evol Syst 33: 89-103.

323) Mausolf K, Härdtle W, Jansen K, Delory BM, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Temperaton VM, von Oheimb G, Fichtner A (2018) Legacy effects of land-use modulate tree growth responses to climate extremes, Oecologia 187: 825-837.

322) Mausolf K, Wilm P, Härdtle W, Jansen K, Schuldt B, Sturm K, von Oheimb G, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Fichtner A (2018) Higher drought sensitivity of radial growth of European beech in managed than in unmanaged forests. Science of the Total Environment 642: 1201-1208.

321) Miehe G, Schluss P-M, Seeber E, Babal W, Biermann T, Braendle M, Chen F, Conser H, Foken T, Gerken T, Graf H-F, Guggenberger G, Hafner S, Holzapfel M, Ingrisch J, Kurzyakov Y, Lehnert M, Leuschner C, Li X, Lai Z, Liu J, Liu S, Ma Y, Miehe S, Moosbrugger V, Noltie HJ, Schmidt J, Spielvogel S, Imteregelsbacher S, Wang Y, Willinghöfer S, Xu X, Yang Y, Zhang S, Opgenoorth L, Wesche K (2018) The Kobresia pygmaea ecosystem of the Tibetan highlands - origin, functioning and degradation of the world's largest pastoral alpine ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 648: 754-771.

320) Redelstein R, Dinter T, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2018) Effects of inundation, nutrient availability and plant species diversity on fine root mass and morphology across a saltmarsh flooding gradient. Frontiers Plant Sci

319) Redelstein R, Coners H, Knohl A, Leuschner C (2018) Water sources of plant uptake across a saltmarsh flooding gradient. Oecologia 188: 607-622.

318) Yang N, Butenschoen O, Rana R, Köhler L, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Scheu S, Polle A, Pena R (2018) Leaf litter species identity influences biochemical composition of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Mycorrhiza


317)  Abou Rajab Y, Hölscher D, Leuschner C, Barus H, Tjoa A, Hertel D (2018) Effects of shade tree cover and diversity on root system structure and dynamics in cacao agroforests: The role of root competition and space partitioning. Plant and Soil 422: 349-369.

316) Brambach F, Leuschner C, Tjoa A, Culmsee H (2017) Diversity, endemism, and composition of tropical mountain forest communities in Sulawesi, Indonesia, in relation to elevation and soil properties. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 27: 68-79.

315)  Cárate-Tandalla, D, Camenzind T, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2017) Contrasting species responses to continued nitrogen and phosphorus addition in tropical montane forest tree seedlings. Biotropica,

314) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Kopp G, Ruff M, Leuschner C (2017) European beech responds to climate warming with growth decline at lower, and growth increase at higher elevations in the center of its distribution range (SW Germany). Trees 31: 673-686.

313) Förster A, Becker T, Gerlach A, Meesenburg H, Leuschner C (2017) Long-term change in understorey plant communities of conventionally-managed temperate deciduous forests: effects of nitrogen deposition and forest management. Journal of Vegetation Science 28: 747-761.

312) Fuchs S, Leuschner C, Link R, Coners H, Schuldt B (2017) Calibration and comparison of thermal dissipation, heat ratio and heat field deformation sap flow probes for diffuse-porous trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 244-245: 151-161.

311)  Glatthorn J, Pichler V, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2017) Effects of forest management on stand leaf area: Comparing beech production and primeval forests in Slovakia. Forest Ecology and Management 389: 76-85.

310)  Glatthorn J, Feldmann E, Pichler V, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2018) Biomass stock and productivity of primeval and production beech forests: Greater canopy structural diversity promotes productivity. Ecosystems 21: 704-722.

309) Heinze S, Ludwig B, Piepho H-P, Mikutta R, Don A, Wordell-Dietrich P, Helfrich M, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Kirfel K, Kandeler E, Preusser S, Guggenberger G, Leinemann T, Marschner B (2017) Factors controlling the variability of organic matter in the top- and subsoil of a sandy Dystric Cambisol under beech forest. Geoderma 311: 37–44.

308) Homeier J, Kurzatkowski D, Leuschner C (2017) Stand dynamics of the drought-affected floodplain forests of Araguaia River, Brazilian Amazon. Forest Ecosystems 4:10,

307) Homeier J, Báez S, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2017) Lessons learned from nutrient manipulation experiments in tropical forests. Frontiers in Earth Science 5: 27. doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00027.

306) Homeier J, Salazar L, Chinchero MA, Moritz S, Trogisch S, Unger M, Kessler M, Kluge J, Navarrete H, Leuschner C (2017) Diversidad de plantas vasculares en relación con factores edafológicos y climáticos en los bosques de la Reserva Biosfera Sumaco y sus alrededorescon las condiciones ambientales en los bosques de la Reserva Biósfera Sumaco. In: Torres B, Vargas JC, Arteaga Y, Torres A, & Lozano P (eds) Gente, bosque y biodiversidad: El rol del bosque sobre la biodiversidad y las poblaciones rurales. Universidad Estatal Amazónica. Programa economía de recursos naturales y desarrollo empresarial. Puyo, Ecuador, 279 pp., chapter 10, pp 203-218.

305)  Kaufmann S, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2017) Comparing the plant diversity of paired beech primeval and production forests: Management reduces cryptogam, but not vascular plant species richness. Forest Ecology and Management 400: 58-67.

304)  Khansaritoreh E, Dulamsuren C, Klinge M, Ariunbaatar T, Bat-Enerel B, Batsaikhan G, Ganbaatar K, Sain-Dondov D, Yeruult Y, Tsogtbaatar J, Tuya D, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2017) Higher climate warming sensitivity of Sibirian larch in small than large forest islands in the fragmented Mongolian forest steppe. Global Change Biol. 23: 3675-3689.

303)  Khansaritoreh E, Eldarov M, Ganbaatar K, Saindovdon D, Leuschner C, Hauck M, Dulamsuren C (2017) Age structure and trends in annual stem increment of Larix sibirica in two neighboring Mongolian forest-steppe regions differing in land use history. Trees 31: 1973-1986.

302)  Kirfel, K, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Schuldt B (2017) Influence of root diameter and age on the root hydraulic architecture of small- to medium-sized roots of mature beech trees in the top- and subsoil. Frontiers Plant Sci. 8, article 1194.

301)  Knutzen F, Dulamsuren C, Meier IC, Leuschner C (2017) Recent climate warming-related growth decline impairs European beech in the center of its distribution range. Ecosystems 20: 1494-1511.

300)  Kubisch P, Leuschner C, Coners H, Gruber A, Hertel D (2016) Fine root abundance and dynamics of Stone pine (Pinus cembra) at the alpine treeline is not impaired by self-shading. Frontiers in Plant Science 7, 1233.

299)  Leuschner C, Ellenberg H (2017) Ecology of Central European Forests. – Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe, vol. I. Springer, Cham. 971 p

298)  Leuschner C, Ellenberg H (2017) Ecology of Central European Non-Forest Vegetation: Coastal to Alpine, Natural to Man-Made Habitats. – Vegetation Ecology of Central Europe, vol. II. Springer, Cham.

297) Meier IC, Knutzen F, Eder LM, Müller-Haubold H, Göbel M, Bachmann J, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2018) The deep root system of Fagus sylvatica on sandy soil: structure and variation across a precipitation gradient. Ecosystems 21: 280-296.

296) Müller, M, Seifert, S, Lübbe, T, Leuschner, C, Finkeldey, R (2017) De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of differential gene expression in response to drought in European beech. PlosOne 12(9): e0184167. 10.1371/ journal.pone.0184167

295) Schwerbrock R, Leuschner C (2017) Foliar water uptake, a widespread phenomenon in temperate woodland ferns? Plant Ecology, 218: 555-563.

294) Schwerbrock, R, Leuschner C (2017) Vulnerability analysis of the rare and endangered woodland fern Polystichum braunii in Germany: three possible causes of population decline. Plant Ecology and Diversity 10: 329-342.

293) Tückmantel T, Leuschner C, Preusser S, Kandeler E, Angst G, Mueller CW, Meier IC (2017) Root exudation patterns in a beech forest: Dependence on soil depth, root morphology and environment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 107: 188-197.

292) Walentowski H, Falk W, Mette T, Kunz J, Bräuning A, Meinardus C, Zang C, Sutcliffe L, Leuschner C (2017) Assessing future suitability of tree species under climate change by multiple methods: a case study in southern Germany. Annals of Forest Research 60:  101-126.



291) Abou Rajab Y, Leuschner C, Barus H, Tjoa A, Hertel D (2016) Cacao cultivation under divers shade tree cover allows high carbon storage and sequestration without yield losses. PLoS ONE 11: e0149949.

290) Becker T, Spanka J, Schröder L, Leuschner C (2017) Forty years of vegetation change in former coppice-with-standards woodlands as a result of management change and N deposition. Applied Vegetation Science 20: 304-313.

289) Camenzind T, Homeier J, Dietrich K, Hempel S, Hertel D, Krohn A, Leuschner C, Oelmann Y, Olsson PA, Suárez JP, Rillig MC (2016) Opposing effects of nitrogen versus phosphorus additions on mycorrhizal fungal abundance along an elevational gradient in tropical montane forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 94: 37-47.

288) Clough, Y, Krishna VV, Corre MD, Darras K, Denmead LH, Meijide A, Moser S, Musshoff O, Steinebach S, Veldkamp E, Allen K, Barnes AD, Breidenbach N, Brose U, Buchori D, Daniel R, Finkeldey R, Harahap I, Hertel D,
 Holtkamp AM, Hörandl E, Irawan B, Surati Jaya IN, Jochum M, Klarner B, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska V, Kreft H, Kurniawan S, Leuschner C, Maraun M, Nuraini Melati D, Opfermann N,  Pérez-Cruzado C,  Prabowo WE, Rembold K, Rizali A, Rubiana R, Schneider D, Tjitrosoedirdjo SS, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, Scheu S (2016) Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapes. Nature Communications 7:13137 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms13137.

287) Coners H, Babel W, Willinghöfer S, Biermann T, Köhler L, Seeber E, Foken T, Miehe G, Ma Y, Yang Y, Miehe G, Leuschner C (2016) Evapotranspiration and water balance of high-elevation grassland on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology 533: 557-566.

286) Dittrich S, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2016) Change in the bryophyte diversity and species composition of Central European temperate broad-leaved forests since the late nineteenth century. Biodiversity and Conservation 25: 2071-2091.

285) Drescher J, Rembold K, Allen K, Beckschäfer P, Buchori D, Clough Y, Faust H, Fauzi AM, Gunawan D, Hertel D, Irawan B, Nengah S Jaya I, Klarner B, Kleinn C, Knohl A, Kotowska MM, Krashevska V, Krishna V, Leuschner C, Lorenz W, Meijide A, Melati D, Nomura M, Pérez-Cruzado C, Quaim M, Siregar IZ, Steinebach S, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, Wick B, Wiegand K, Kreft H, Scheu S (2016) Ecological and socio-economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversion. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society London B 371: 20150275.

284) Dulamsuren C, Klinge M, Degener J, Khishigjargal M, Chenlemuge T, Bat-Enerel B, Yeruult Y, Sain-Dondov D, Ganbaatar K, Tsogtbaatar J, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Carbon pool densities and a first estimate of the total carbon pool in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Global Change Biology 22: 830-844.

283) Hauck M, Leuschner C, Dulamsuren C (2016) Anomalous Increase in winter temperature and decline in forest growth associated with severe winter smog in the Ulan Bator basin. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 227: 261.

282) Heinrichs S, Walentowski H, Bergmeier, Mellert EKH, Indreica A, Kuzyakov Y, Leuschner C, Petritan AM, Teodosiu M (2017) Forest vegetation in western Romania in relation to climate variables: Does community composition re-flect modelled tree species distribution? Annals of Forest Research 59: 219-236.

281) Kotowska MM, Leuschner C, Triadiati T, Hertel D (2016) Conversion of tropical lowland forest reduces nutrient return through litterfall, and alters nutrient use efficiency and seasonality of net primary production. Oecologia 180: 601-618.

280) Kubisch P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2016) Fine root productivity and turnover of ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal tree species in a temperate broad-leaved mixed forest. Frontiers Plant Science 7: article 1233.

279) Lübbe, T, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2016) Acclimation of leaf water status and stem hydraulics to drought and tree neighbourhood: alternative strategies among the saplings of five temperate deciduous tree species. Tree Physiology 37: 456-468.

278) Meier IC, Leuschner C, Marini E, Fender A-C (2016) Species-specific effects of temperate trees on greenhouse gas exchange of forest soil are diminished by drought. Soil Biology Biochemistry 95: 122-134.

277) Schuldt B, Knutzen F, Delzon S, Jansen S, Müller-Haubold H, Burlett R, Clough Y, Leuschner C (2016) How adaptable is the hydraulic system of European beech in the face of climate change-related precipitation reduction? New Phytologist 210: 443-458.

276) Schwerbrock R, Leuschner C (2016) Air humidity as key determinant of morphogenesis and productivity of the rare temperate woodland fern Polystichum braunii. Plant Biology 18: 649-657.


275) Bade C, Jacob M, Jungkunst HF, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Nitrogen mineralization peaks under closed canopy during the natural forest development cycle of an old-growth temperate spruce forest. Annals of Forest Science 72: 67-76.

274) Bade C, Jacob M, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Chemical properties of decaying wood in an old-growth spruce forest and effects on soil chemistry. Biogeochemistry 122: 1-13.

273) Cárate D, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2015) Performance of seedlings of a shade-tolerant tropical tree species after moderate addition of N and P. Frontiers in Earth Science 3: 75.

272) Chenlemuge T, Dulamsuren C, Hertel D, Schuldt B, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Hydraulic properties and fine root mass of Larix sibirica along forest edge-interior gradients. Acta Oecologica 63: 28-35.

271) Chenlemuge T, Schuldt B, Dulamsuren C, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Stem increment and hydraulic architecture of a boreal conifer (Larix sibirica) under contrasting macroclimates. Trees 29, 623-636.

270) Feßel C, Meier IC, Leuschner C (2015) Relationship between species diversity, biomass and light transmittance in 31 temperate semi-natural grasslands: Is productivity enhanced by complementary light use? Journal of Vegetation Science 27:144-155.

269) Hajek P, Seidel D, Leuschner C (2015) Mechanical abrasion, and not competition for light, is the dominant canopy interaction in a temperate mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 348: 108-116.

268) Jacob A, Leuschner C (2015) Complementarity in the use of nitrogen forms in a temperate broad-leaved mixed forest. Plant Ecology and Diversity 8: 243-258

267) Knutzen F, Meier IC, Leuschner C (2015) Does reduced precipitation trigger physiological and morphological drought adaptations in European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)? Comparing provenances across a precipitation gradient. Tree Physiology 35: 949-963.

266) Köhler L, Leuschner C, Hauck M, Hertel D (2015) Cloud water interception and element deposition differ largely between Norway spruce stands along an elevation transect in Harz Mountains, Germany. Ecohydrology  8: 1048-1064.

265)  Kotowska MM, Leuschner C, Triadiati T, Meriem S, Hertel D (2015) Quantifying above- and belowground biomass carbon loss with forest conversion in tropical lowlands of Sumatra (Indonesia). Global Change Biology 21: 3620-3634.

264) Krause B, Culmsee H, Wesche K, Leuschner C (2015) Historical and recent fragmentation of temperate floodplain grasslands: do patch size and distance affect plant species richness of wet meadows? Folia Geobotanica 50: 253-266.

263) Kubisch P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2015) Do ectomycorrhizal and arbuscular mycorrhizal temperate tree species systematically differ in root order based fine root morphology and biomass? Frontiers in Plant Science 6: article 64. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.00064.

262) Kurzatowski D, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2015) Effects of flooding on trees in the semi-deciduous transition forests of the Araguaia floodplain, Brazil. Acta Oecologica 69: 21-30.

261) Liang E, Leuschner C, Dulamsuren C, Wagner B, Hauck M (2015) Global warming-related tree growth decline and mortality on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau. Climatic Change 134: 163-176.

260) Lübbe T, Schuldt B, Coners H, Leuschner C (2015) Species diversity and identity effects on the water consumption of tree sapling assemblages under ample and limited water supply. Oikos 125: 86-97.

259) Lübbe T, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2015) Species identity and neighbor size surpass the impact of tree species diversity on productivity in experimental broad-leaved tree sapling assemblages under dry and moist conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science 6: 857.

258) Meyer S, Bergmeier E, Becker T, Wesche K, Krause B, Leuschner C (2015) Detecting long-term losses at the plant community level – arable fields in Germany revisited. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 432-442.

257) Meyer S, Wesche K, Hans J, Leuschner C, Albach DC (2015) Landscape complexity has limited effects on the genetic structure of two arable weed species, Adonis vernalis and Consolida regalis. Weed Research 55: 406-415.

256) Müller-Hauboldt H, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2015) Climatic drivers of mast fruiting in European beech and resulting C and N allocation shifts. Ecosystems 18: 1083-1100.

255) Scheibe A, Steffens C, Seven J, Jacob A, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Gleixner G (2015) Effects of tree species identity dominate over tree diversity on the soil microbial community structure. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 81: 219-227.

254) Seifert C, Leuschner C, Culmsee H (2015) Arable plant diversity on conventional cropland – The role of crop species, management and environment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 213: 151-163.

253) Seifert C, Leuschner C, Culmsee H (2015) Short rotation coppice as habitat for vascular plants. In: Butler-Manning D, Bemmann A, Bredemeier M, Lamersdorf N, Ammer C (eds) Bioenergy from Dendromass for the Sustainable Development of Rural Areas. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany. pp. 63-78.

252) Steffen K, Leuschner C (2015) Sixty years of change in the macrophyte vegetation of north-west German running waters: a community- and landscape-level analysis. Feddes Repertorium 125: 98-120.

251) Sutcliffe L, Batary P, Becker T, Orci KM, Leuschner C (2015) Both local and landscape factors determine plant and Orthoptera diversity in the semi-natural grasslands of Transylvania, Romania. Biodiversity and Conservation 24: 229-245.

250) Sutcliffe L, Batáry P, Kormann U, Báldi A, Dicks LV, Herzon I, Kleijn D, Tryjanowski P, Apostolova I, Arlettaz R, Aunins A, Aviron S, Baležentienė L, Fischer C, Halada L, Hartel T, Helm A, Hristov I, Jelaska SD, Kaligarič M, Kamp J, Klimek S, Koorberg P, Kostiuková J, Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Kuemmerle T, Leuschner C, Lindborg R, Loos J, Maccherini S, Marja R, Máthé O, Paulini I, Proença V, Rey-Benayas J, Sans FX, Seifert C, Stalenga J, Timaeus J, Török P, van Swaay C, Viik E, Tscharntke T (2015) Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland. Diversity and Distributions 21: 722-730.

249) Tapia-Armijos MF, Homeier J, Espinosa CI, Leuschner C, de la Cruz M (2015) Deforestation and forest fragmentation in South Ecuador since the 1970s – Losing a hotspot of biodiversity. PLOS ONE 10: e0133701.

248) Wagner B, Eryuan L, Xiaoxia L, Choimaa D, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2015) Carbon pools of semi-arid Picea crassifolia forests in the Qilian Mountains (north-eastern Tibetan Plateau). Forest Ecology and Management 343: 136-143.

247) Wittich B, Homeier J, Leuschner C (2015) Ammonium, nitrate and glycine uptake of six Ecuadorian tropical montane forest tree species: an in situ pot experiment with saplings. Journal of Tropical Ecology 31: 139-152.

246) Zimmermann J, Hauck M, Dulamsuren C, Leuschner C (2015) Climate warming-related growth decline affects Fagus sylvatica, but not other broad-leaved tree species in Central European mixed forests. Ecosystems 18: 560-572.


245) Babel W, Biermann T, Coners H, Falge E, Seeber E, Ingrisch J, Schleuß P-M, Gerken T, Leonbacher J, Leipold T, Willinghöfer S, Schützenmeister K, Shibistova O, Becker L, Hafner S, Spielvogel S, Li X, Xu X, Sun Y, Zhang L, Yang Y, Ma Y, Wesche K, Graf H-F, Leuschner C, Guggenberger G, Kuzyakov Y, Miehe G, Foken T (2014) Pasture degradation modifies the water and carbon cycles of the Tibetan highlands. Biogeosciences 11: 6633-6656.

244) Carsjens C, Ngoc Quynh N, Knutzen F, Meier IC, Müller M, Finkeldey R, Leuschner C, Polle A (2014) Intra-specific variations in expression of stress-related genes in beech progenies are stronger than drought-induced responses. Tree Physiology 34: 1348-1361.

243) Culmsee H, Schmidt M, Schmiedel I, Schacherer A, Meyer P, Leuschner C (2014) Predicting the distribution of forest habitat types using indicator species to facilitate systematic conservation planning. Ecological Indicators 37: 131-144.

242) Dittrich S, Jacob M, Bade C, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2014) The significance of deadwood for total bryophyte, lichen and vascular plant diversity in an old-growth spruce forest. Plant Ecology 215: 1123-1137.

241) Dulamsuren C, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2014) Response of tree-ring width to climate warming and selective logging in larch forests of the Mongolian Altai. Journal of Plant Ecology 7: 24-38.

240) Hajek P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2014) Root order- and root age-dependent response of two poplar species to belowground competition. Plant and Soil 377: 337-355.

239) Hajek P, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Delzon S, Schuldt B (2014) Trade-offs between xylem hydraulic properties, wood anatomy and yield in Populus. Tree Physiology 34: 744-756.

238) Hauck M, Dulamsuren C, Badamdorj B, Kaman U, Ulzhan B, Erdenechuluun O, Sergei T, Tojoo E, Agadil S, Ulagvan B, Leuschner C (2014) Relationships between the diversity patterns of vascular plants, lichens and invertebrates in the Central Asian forest-steppe ecotone. Biodiversity and Conservation 23: 1105-1117.

237) Hoeber S, Leuschner C, Koehler L, Arias-Aguilar D, Schuldt B (2014) The importance of hydraulic conductivity and wood density to growth performance in eight tree species from a tropical semi-dry climate. Forest Ecology and Management 330: 126-136.

236) Hötker H, Dierschke V, Flade M, Leuschner C (2014) Diversitätsverluste in der Brutvogelwelt des Acker- und Grünlands. Natur und Landschaft 89: 410-416.

235) Jacob A, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2014) Diversity and species identity effects on fine root productivity and turnover in a species-rich temperate broad-leaved forest. Functional Plant Biology 41: 678-789.

234) Khishigjargal M, Dulamsuren C, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2014) Climate effects on inter- and intra-annual larch stemwood anomalies in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Acta Oecologica 55: 113-121.

233) Krause B, Wesche K, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2014) Diversitätsverluste und floristischer Wandel im Grünland seit 1950. Natur und Landschaft 89: 399-404.

232) Legner N, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2014) Within-canopy variation in photosynthetic capacity, SLA and foliar N in temperate broad-leaved trees with contrasting shade tolerance. Trees 28: 263-280.

231) Leuschner C, Krause B, Meyer S, Bartels M (2014) Strukturwandel im Acker- und Grünland Niedersachsens und Schleswig-Holsteins seit 1950. Natur  und Landschaft 89: 386-391.

230) Leuschner C, Wulf M, Bäuchler P, Hertel D (2014) Forest continuity as a key determinant of soil carbon and nutrient storage in beech forests on sandy soils in Northern Germany. Ecosystems 17: 497-511.

229) Meier IC, Leuschner C (2014) Nutrient dynamics along a precipitation gradient in European beech forests. Biogeochemistry 120: 51-69.

228) Meyer S, Hoeber S, Nehring S, Leuschner C (2014) Konsequenzen des Bioenergiepflanzenanbaus für die Segetalvegetation. Natur und Landschaft 89: 429-433.

227) Meyer S, van Elsen T, Blümlein B, Kaerlein M, Metzner J, Gottwald F, Wehke S, Dietrich M, Wahmhoff W, Stock R, Leuschner C (2014) Agrobiodiversitätsschutz durch Schutzäcker. Das Projekt „100 Äcker für die Vielfalt“. Natur und Landschaft 89: 434-441.

226) Meyer S, Wesche K, Krause B, Brütting C, Hensen I, Leuschner C 2014. Diversitätsverluste und floristischer Wandel im Ackerland seit 1950. Natur und Landschaft 89: 392-398.

225) Mölder I, Leuschner C (2014) European beech grows better and is less drought sensitive in mixed than in pure stands: tree neighbourhood effects on radial increment. Trees 28: 777-792.

224) Moser G, Schuldt B, Hertel D, Horna V, Coners H, Barus H, Leuschner C (2014) Replicated throughfall exclusion experiment in an Indonesian perhumid rainforest: wood production, litter fall and fine root growth under simulated drought. Global Change Biology 20: 1481-1497.

223) Schleuß P-M, Heitkamp F, Leuschner C, Fender A-C, Jungkunst HF (2014) Higher subsoil carbon storage in species-rich than species-poor temperate forests. Environmentol Research Letters 9: 014007.

222) Seifert C, Leuschner C, Meyer S, Culmsee H (2014) Inter-relationships between crop type, management intensity and light transmissivity in annual crop systems and their effect on farmland plant diversity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 195: 173-182.

221) Steffen K, Becker T, Leuschner C (2014) Diversitätsverluste und floristischer Wandel in der Fließgewässervegetation seit 1950. Natur und Landschaft 89: 405-409.

220) Steffen K, Leuschner C, Müller U, Wiegleb G, Becker T (2014) Relationships between macrophyte vegetation and physical and chemical conditions in northwest German running waters. Aquatic Botany 113: 46-55.


219) Beyer F, Hertel D, Jung K, Fender A-C, Leuschner C (2013) Competition effects on fine root survival of Fagus syvlatica and Fraxinus excelsior. Forest Ecology and Management 302: 14-22.

218) Beyer F, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Fine root morphological and functional traits in Fagus sylvatica and Fraxinus excelsior saplings as dependent on species, root order and competition. Plant and Soil 373: 143-156.

217) Cesarz S, Fender A-C, Beyer F, Valtanen K, Pfeiffer B, Gansert D, Hertel D, Polle A, Daniel R, Leuschner C, Scheu S (2013). Beech promotes rhizosphere functioning by favouring fungi. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 61: 23-32.

216) Chenlemuge T, Hertel H, Dulamsuren C, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2013) Extremely low fine root biomass in Larix sibirica forests at the southern drought limit of the boreal forest. Flora 208: 488-496.

215) Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2013) Consistent patterns of elevational change in tree taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity across Malesian mountain forests. Journal of Biogeography 40: 1997-2010.

214) Dittrich S, Hauck M, Jacob M, Rommerskirchen A, Leuschner C (2013) Response of ground vegetation and epiphyte diversity to natural age dynamics in a Central European mountain spruce forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 675-687.

213) Dittrich S, Hauck M, Schweigatz D, Dörfler I, Hühne R, Bade C, Jacob M, Leuschner C (2013) Separating forest continuity from tree age effects on plant diversity in the ground and epiphyte vegetation of a Central European mountain spruce forest. Flora 208: 238-246.

212) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2013) Seedling emergence and establishment of Pinus sylvestris in the Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone. Plant Ecology 214: 139-152.

211) Dulamsuren C, Wommelsdorf T, Zhao F, Xue Y, Zhumadilov BZ, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2013) Increased summer temperatures reduce the growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica in southern boreal forests of eastern Kazakhstan. Ecosystems 16: 1391-1403.

210) Fender A-C, Gansert D, Jungkunst HF, Fiedler S, Beyer F, Schützenmeister K, Thiele B, Valtanen K, Polle A, Leuschner C (2013) Root-induced tree species effects on the source/sink strength for greenhouse gases (CH4, N2O and CO2) of a temperate deciduous forest soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57: 587–597.

209) Fender A-C, Leuschner C, Schützenmeister K, Gansert D, Jungkunst HF (2013) Rhizosphere effects of tree species – large reduction of N2O emissions by saplings of ash, but not of beech, in temperate forest soil. European Journal of Soil Biology 54: 7-15.

208) Hajek P, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Intraspecific variation in root and leaf traits and leaf-root trait linkages in eight aspen demes (Populus tremula and P. tremuloides). Frontiers in Plant Science 4:415.

207) Härdtle W, Niemeyer T, Assmann T, Aulinger A, Fichtner A, Lang A, Leuschner C, Neuwirth B, Pfister L, Quante M, Ries C, Schuldt A, von Oheimb G (2013) Climate responses of tree-ring width and δ13C signatures of sessile oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) on soils with contrasting water supply. Plant Ecology 214: 1147-1156.

206) Hauck M, Böning J, Jacob M, Dittrich S, Feussner I, Leuschner C (2013) Lichen substance concentrations in the lichen Hypogymnia physodes are correlated with heavy metal concentrations in the substratum. Environmental and Experimental Botany 85: 58-63.

205) Hauck M, de Bruyn U, Leuschner C (2013) Dramatic diversity losses in epiphytic lichens in temperate broad-leaved forests during the last 150 years. Biological Conservation 157: 136-145.

204) Hauck M, Jacob M, Dittrich S, Bade C, Leuschner C (2013) Natürliche Walddynamik und ihr Wert für Biodiversität und Ökosystemfunktionen: Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie aus dem Harz. Forstarchiv 84: 75-80.

203) Hertel D, Strecker T, Müller-Haubold H, Leuschner C (2013) Fine root biomass and dynamics in beech forests across a precipitation gradient – is optimal resource partitioning theory applicable to water-limited mature trees? Journal of Ecology 101: 1183-1200.

202) Homeier J, Leuschner C, Bräuning A, Cumbicus NL, Hertel D, Martinson GO, Spannl S, Veldkamp E (2013). Effects of nutrient addition on the productivity of montane forests and implications for the carbon cycle. In: Bendix J, Beck E, Bräuning A, Makeschin F, Mosandl R, Scheu S, Wilcke W (eds) Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 315-329.

201) Jacob A, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) On the significance of belowground overyielding in temperate mixed forests: separating species identity and species diversity effects. Oikos 122: 463-473.

200) Jacob M, Bade C, Calvete H, Dittrich S, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2013) Significance of over-mature and decaying trees for carbon stocks in a Central European natural spruce forest. Ecosystems 16: 336-346.

199) Khishigjargal M, Dulamsuren C, Lkhagvadorj D, Leuschner C, Hauck M (2013) Contrasting responses of seedling and sapling densities to livestock density in the Mongolian forest-steppe. Plant Ecology 214: 1391-1403.

198) Köcher P, Horna V, Leuschner C (2013) Stem water storage in five coexisting temperate broad-leaved tree species: significance, temporal dynamics and dependence on tree functional traits. Tree Physiology 33: 817-832.

197) Legner N, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2013) Low-light acclimation in five temperate broad-leaved tree species of different successional status: the significance of a shade canopy. Annals of Forest Science 70: 557-570.

196) Leuschner C (2013) Vegetation and ecosystems. In: Van der Maarel E, Franklin J (eds) Vegetation ecology. 2nd. ed. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK, pp. 285-307.

195) Leuschner C, Bäuchler P, Wulf M, Hertel D (2013) Soil C and nutrient stores under Scots pine afforestations compared to ancient beech forests in the German Pleistocene: the role of tree species and forest history. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 405-415.

194) Leuschner C, Gebel S, Rose L (2013) Root trait responses of six grassland species to intensive mowing and NPK fertilisation: a field study in a temperate grassland. Plant and Soil 373: 687-698.

193) Leuschner C, Moser G, Hertel D, Erasmi S, Leitner D, Culmsee H, Schuldt B, Schwendenmann L (2013) Conversion of tropical moist forest into cacao agroforest: Consequences for carbon pools and annual C sequestration. Agroforestry Systems 87: 1173-1187.

192) Leuschner C, Zach A, Moser G, Homeier J, Graefe S, Hertel D, Wittich B, Soethe N, Iost S, Röderstein M, Horna V, Wolf K (2013) The carbon balance of tropical mountain forests along an altitudinal transect, Southern Ecuador. In: Bendix J, Beck E, Bräuning A, Makeschin F, Mosandl R, Scheu S, Wilcke W (eds) Ecosystem Services, Biodiversity and Environmental Change in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of South Ecuador. Ecological Studies 221, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 117-139.

191) Meyer S, Wesche K, Krause B, Leuschner C (2013) Dramatic losses of specialist arable plants in Central Germany since the 1950s/60s – an cross-regional analysis. Diversity and Distributions 19: 1175-1187.

190) Müller A, Horna V, Kleemann F, Vornam B, Leuschner C (2013) Physiological vs. morphological traits controlling the productivity of six aspen full-sib families. Biomass and Bioenergy 56: 274-283.

189) Müller-Haubold H, Hertel D, Seidel D, Knutzen F, Leuschner C (2013) Climate responses of aboveground productivity and allocation in Fagus sylvatica: a transect study in mature forests. Ecosystems 16: 1498-1516.

188) Rose L, Rubarth MC, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Management alters interspecific leaf trait relationships and trait-based species rankings in permanent meadows. Journal of Vegetation Science 24: 239-250.

187) Rose L, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2013) Livestock type effects on biomass and nitrogen partitioning in temperate pastures with different functional group abundance. Grass and Forage Science 68: 386-394.

186) Schuldt B, Brock N, Leuschner C, Brix S, Horna V (2013) Changes in wood density, wood anatomy and hydraulic properties of the xylem along the root-to-shoot flow path in tropical rainforest trees. Tree Physiology 33: 161-174.

185) Seidel D Leuschner C, Scherber C, Beyer F, Wommelsdorf T, Cahman MJ, Fehrmann L (2013) Tthe relationship between tree diversity, canopy space exploration and productivity in a temperate broad-leaved mixed forest. Forest Ecology and Management 310: 366-374.

184) Steffen K, Herr W, Becker T, Leuschner C (2013) Diversity loss in the macrophyte vegetation of northwest German streams and rivers between the 1950s and 2010. Hydrobiologia 713: 1-17.

183) Unger M, Homeier J, Leuschner C (2013) Relationships among leaf area index, below-canopy light availability and tree diversity along a transect from tropical lowland to montane forests in NE Ecuador. Tropical Ecology 54: 33-45.


182) Fender A-C, Pfeiffer B, Gansert D, Leuschner C, Daniel R, Jungkunst H (2012) The inhibiting effect of nitrate fertilisation on methane uptake of a temperate forest soil is influenced by labile carbon. Biology and Fertility of Soils 48, 621–631.

181) Gebauer T, Horna V, Leuschner C (2012) Canopy transpiration of pure and mixed forest stands with variable abundance of European beech. Journal of Hydrology 442-443: 2-14.

180) Hauck M, Javkhlan S, Lkhagvadorj D, Bayartogtokh B, Dulamsuren Ch, Leuschner C (2012) Edge and land-use effects on epiphytic lichen diversity in the forest-steppe ecotone of the Mongolian Altai. Flora 207: 450-458.

179) Hauck M, Zimmermann J, Jacob M, Dulamsuren C, Bade C, Ahrends B, Leuschner C (2012) Rapid recovery of stem increment in Norway spruce at reduced SO2 levels in the Harz Mountains, Germany. Environmental Pollution 164: 132-141.

178) Homeier J, Hertel D, Camenzind T, Cumbicus N, Maraun M, Martinson GO, Poma LN, Rillig MC, Sandmann D, Scheu S, Veldkamp E, Wilcke W, Wullaert H, Leuschner C (2012) Tropical Andean forests are highly susceptible to nutrient inputs – Rapid effects of experimental N and P addition to an Ecuadorian montane forest. PLOS ONE 7: e47128.

177) Kessler M, Hertel D, Jungkunst HF, Kluge J, Abrahamczyk S, Bos M, Buchori D, Gerold G, Gradstein SR, Köhler S, Leuschner C, Moser G, Pitopang R, Saleh S, Schulze CH, Sporn SG, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tjitrosoedirdjo SS, Tscharntke T (2012) Can joint carbon and biodiversity management in tropical agroforestry landscapes be optimized? PLOS ONE 7: e47192.

176) Köcher P, Horna V, Beckmeyer I, Leuschner C (2012) Hydraulic properties and embolism in small-diameter roots of five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting drought tolerance.  Annals of Forest Science 69: 693-703.

175) Köcher P, Horna V, Leuschner C (2012) Environmental control of daily stem growth patterns in five temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 32:1021-1032.

174) Müller A, Horna V, Zhang C, Leuschner C (2012) Different growth strategies determine the carbon gain and productivity of aspen collectives to be used in short-rotation plantations. Biomass and Bioenergy 46: 242-250.

173) Petersen U, Wrage N, Köhler L, Leuschner C, Isselstein J (2012) Manipulating the species composition of permanent grasslands – a new approach to biodiversity experiments. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 1-9.

172) Rose L, Coners H, Leuschner C (2012) Effects of fertilization and cutting frequency on the water balance of a temperate grassland. Ecohydrology 5: 64-72.

171) Rose L, Leuschner C (2012) The diversity-productivity relationship in permanent grasslands: negligible diversity effect, dominant influence of management regime. Plant Ecology and Diversity 5: 265-274.

170) Seidel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C (2012) Analyzing forest canopies with ground-based laser scanning: A comparison with hemispherical photography. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 154-155: 1-8.

169) Storkey J, Meyer S, Mills KS, Leuschner C (2012) The impact of agricultural intensification and land use change on the European arable flora. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279: 1421-1429.

168) Unger M, Homeier J, Leuschner C (2012) Effects of soil chemistry on tropical forest biomass and productivity at different elevations in the equatorial Andes. Oecologia 170: 263-274.

167) Wesche K, Krause B, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2012) Fifty years of change in Central European grassland vegetation: large losses in species richness and animal-pollinated plants. Biological Conservation 150: 76-85.

166) Wittich B, Horna V, Homeier J, Leuschner C (2012) Altitudinal decrease in the photosynthetic capacity of tropical trees – a case study from Ecuador and a pan-tropical literature analysis. Ecosystems 15: 958-973.


165) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C (2011) Climate response of tree-ring width in Larix sibirica growing in the drought-stressed forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Annals of Forest Science 68: 275-282.

164) Fender A-C, Mantilla-Contreras J, Leuschner C (2011) Multiple environmental control of leaf area and its significance for the productivity in beech saplings. Trees 25: 847-857.

163) Fleck S, Mölder I, Jacob M, Gebauer T, Jungkunst HF, Leuschner C (2011) Comparison of conventional eight-point crown projections with LIDAR-based virtual crown projections in a temperate old-growth forest. Annals of Forest Science 68: 1173-1185.

162) Graefe S, Leuschner C, Coners H, Hertel D (2011) Root functioning in tropical high-elevation forests: environmental vs. biological control of root water absorption. Environmental and Experimenatl Botany 71: 329-336.

161) Hauck M, Otto PI, Dittrich S, Jacob M, Bade C, Dörfler I, Leuschner C (2011) Small increase in substratum pH causes the dieback of one of Europe's most common lichens, Lecanora conizaeoides. Annals of Botany 108: 359-366.

160) Horna V, Schuldt B, Leuschner C, Brix S (2011) Environment and tree size controlling stem sap flow in a perhumid tropical forest of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Annals of Forest Science 68: 1027-1038

159) Kleemann F, von Fragstein und Niemsdorff M, Vornam B, Müller A, Leuschner C, Holzschuh A, Tscharntke T, Finkeldey R, Polle A (2011) Relating ecologically important tree traits to associated organisms in full-sib aspen families. European Journal of Forest Research 130: 707-716.

158) Krause B, Culmsee H, Wesche K, Bergmeier E, Leuschner C (2011) Habitat loss of floodplain meadows in north Germany since the 1950s. Biodiversity and Conservation 20: 2347-2364.

157) Meyer P, Schmidt M, Blick T, Brunet J, Dorow WHO, Hakes W, Härdtle W, Heinken T, Hertel D, Knapp HD, Leuschner C, von Oheimb G, Otte V, Schmidt W (2011) Stellungnahme zu Walentowski H. et al. 2010. Sind die deutschen Waldnaturschutzkonzepte adäquat für die Erhaltung der buchenwaldtypischen Flora und Fauna? Eine kritische Bewertung basierend auf der Herkunft der Waldarten des mitteleuropäischen Tief- und Hügellandes. (Forstarchiv 81: 195-217). Forstarchiv 82: 62-66.

156) Mölder I, Leuschner C, Leuschner HH (2011) δ13C signature of tree rings and radial increment of Fagus slyvatica trees as dependent on tree neighborhood and climate. Trees 25: 215-229.

155) Moser G, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Graefe S, Soethe N, Iost S (2011) Elevation effects on the carbon budget of tropical mountain forests (S Ecuador): The role of the belowground compartment. Global Change Biology 17: 2211-2226.

154) Müller A, Leuschner C, Horna V, Zhang C (2011) Photosynthetic characteristics and growth performance of closely related aspen taxa: on the systematic relatedness of the Eurasian Populus tremula and the North American P. tremuloides. Flora 207: 87-95.

153) Rewald B, Leuschner C, Wiesman Z, Ephrath JE (2011) Influence of salinity on root hydraulic properties of three olive varieties. Plant Biosystems 145: 12-22.

152) Schuch S, Bock J, Leuschner C, Schaefer M, Wesche K (2011) Minor changes in orthopteran assemblages of Central European protected dry grasslands during the last 40 years. Journal of Insect Conservation 15: 811-822.

151) Schuldt B, Leuschner C, Horna V, Moser G, Köhler M, Barus H (2011) Change in hydraulic properties and leaf traits in a tall rainforest tree subjected to long-term throughfall exclusion in the perhumid tropics. Biogeosciences 8: 2179-2194.

150) Seidel D, Beyer F, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2011) 3D-laser scanning: a non-destructive method for studying above-ground biomass and growth of juvenile trees. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151: 1305-11.

149) Seidel D, Fleck S, Leuschner C, Hammett T (2011) Review of ground based methods to measure the distribution of biomass in forest canopies. Annals of Forest Science 68: 225-244.

148) Seidel D, Leuschner C, Müller A, Krause B (2011) Crown deformations in mixed forests – quantifying asymmetric competition by terrestrial laser scanning. Forest Ecology and Management 261: 2123-2132.


147) Culmsee H, Leuschner C, Moser G, Pitopang R (2010) Forest aboveground biomass along an elevational transect in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and the role of Fagaceae in tropical montane rain forests. Journal of Biogeography 37: 960-974.

146) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Khishigjargal M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C (2010) Diverging climate trends in Mongolian taiga forests influence growth and regeneration of Larix sibirica. Oecologia 163: 1091-1102.

145) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2010) Recent drought stress leads to growth reductions in Larix sibirica in the western Khentey, Mongolia. Global Change Biology 16: 3024-3035.

144) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Leuschner HH, Leuschner C (2010) Gypsy moth-induced growth decline of Larix sibirica in a forest-steppe ecotone. Dendrochronologia 28: 207-213.

143) Ellenberg H, Leuschner C (2010) Vegetation Mitteleuropas mit den Alpen. 6. vollständig neubearbeitet Auflage von C Leuschner. Ulmer Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1334 pp.

142) Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2010) N, P and K limitation of fine root growth along an elevation transect in tropical mountain forests. Acta Oecologica 36: 537-542.

141) Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Leuschner C (2010) Norstictic acid: correlations between its physico-chemical characteristics and ecological preferences of lichens producing this depsidones. Environmental and Experimental Botany 68: 309-313.

140) Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Leuschner C (2010). Effect of amino acid moieties on metal binding in pulvinic acid derivatives and ecological implications for lichens producing these compounds. Bryologist 113: 1-7.

139) Hertel D, Leuschner C (2010) Fine root mass and fine root production in tropical moist forests as dependent on soil, climate and elevation. In: Bruijnzeel LA, Scatena FN, Hamilton LS (eds) Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 428-443.

138) Hölscher D, Köhler L, Kappelle M, Leuschner C (2010) Ecology and water use of old-growth and recovering montane oak forest in the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. In: Bruijnzeel LA, Scatena FN, Hamilton LS (eds) Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 610-617.

137) Homeier J, Breckle SW, Günter S, Rollenbeck RT & Leuschner C (2010) Tree diversity, forest structure and productivity along altitudinal and topographical gradients in a species-rich Ecuadorian montane tropical rain forest. Biotropica 42: 140-148.

136) Homeier J, Englert F, Leuschner C, Weigelt P, Unger M (2010) Factors controlling the abundance of lianas along an altitudinal transect of tropical forests in Ecuador. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 1399-1405.

135) Jacob M, Leuschner C, Thomas FM (2010) Productivity of temperate broad-leaved forest stands differing in tree species diversity. Annals of Forest Science 67: 503

134) Köckemann B, Buschmann H, Leuschner C (2010) Sind mitteleuropäische Baumarten am östlichen Arealrand stärker gestresst als im Verbreitungszentrum? Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft 95: 87-96.

133) Köhler L, Hölscher D, Bruijnzeel LA, Leuschner C (2010) Epiphyte biomass in Costa Rican old-growth and secondary montane rain forests and its hydrological significance. In: Bruijnzeel LA, Scatena FN, Hamilton LS (eds) Tropical Montane Cloud Forests. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 268-274.

132) Meier IC, Leuschner C (2010) Variation of soil and biomass carbon pools in beech forests across a precipitation gradient. Global Change Biology 16: 1035-1045.

131) Meyer S, Wesche K, Leuschner C, van Elsen T, Metzner J (2010) A new conservation strategy for arable weed vegetation in Germany – the project "100 fields for biodiversity". Plant Breeding and Seed Science 61: 25-34.

130) Meyer S, Wesche K, Metzner J, van Elsen, Leuschner C (2010) Are current agri‑environment schemes suitable for long-term conservation of arable plants? – A short review of different conservation strategies from Germany and brief remarks on the new project “100 fields for diversity”. Aspects of Applied Biology 100: 287-294.

129) Moser G, Leuschner C, Hertel D, Hölscher D, Köhler M, Leitner D, Michalzik B, Prihastanti E, Tjitrosemito S, Schwendenmann L (2010) Response of cocoa trees (Theobroma cacao) to a 13-month desiccation period in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems 79: 171-187.

128) Moser G, Leuschner C, Röderstein M, Graefe S, Soethe N, Hertel D (2010) Biomass and productivity of fine and coarse roots in five tropical mountain forests stands along an altitudinal transect in southern Ecuador. Plant Ecology and Diversity 3: 151-164.

127) Schwendenmann L, Veldkamp E, Moser G, Hölscher D, Köhler M, Clough Y, Anas I, Djajakirana G, Erasmi S, Hertel D, Leitner D, Leuschner C, Michalzik B, Propastin P, Tjoa A, Tscharntke T, van Straaten O (2010) Effects of an experimental drought on the functioning of a cacao agroforestry system, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Global Change Biology 16: 1515-1530.

126) Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (2010) Tropical rainforests and agroforests under global change: Ecological and socio-Economic valuations – an introduction. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Ecological and Socio-Economic Valuations. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-11.

125) Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Ecological and Socio-Economic Valuations. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 531 pp.

124) Unger M, Leuschner C, Homeier J (2010) Variability of indices of macronutrient availability in soils at different spatial scales along an elevation transect in tropical moist forests (NE Ecuador). Plant and Soil 336: 443-458.

123) Zach A, Horna V, Leuschner C (2010) Patterns of wood carbon dioxide efflux across an 2,000-m elevation transect in an Andean moist forest. Oecologia 162: 127-137.

122) Zach A, Horna V, Leuschner C (2010). Diverging temperature response of tree stem CO2 release under dry and wet season conditions in a tropical montane moist forest. Trees 24: 285-296.

121) Zach A, Schuldt B, Brix S, Horna V, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2010) Vessel diameter and xylem hydraulic conductivity increase in tropical rainforest trees in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Flora 205: 506-512.

120) Zach A, Schuldt B, Horna V, Tjitrosemito S, Leuschner C (2010) The hydraulic performance of tropical rainforest trees in their perhumid environment – Is there evidence for drought vulnerability? In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Veldkamp E, Faust H, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Tropical Rainforests and Agroforests under Global Change. Ecological and Socio-Economic Valuations. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 391-410.


119) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel S, Nyambayar S, Runge M, Leuschner C (2009) Water relations and photosynthetic performance in Larix sibirica growing in the forest-steppe ecotone of northern Mongolia. Tree Physiology 29: 99-110.

118) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Bader M, Oyungerel S, Osokhjargal D, Nyambayar S, Leuschner C (2009) The different strategies of Pinus sylvestris and Larix sibirica to deal with summer drought in a northern Mongolian forest-steppe ecotone suggest a future superiority of pine in a warming climate. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 2520-2528.

117) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Bader M, Osokhjargal D, Oyungerel S, Leuschner C (2009) Performance of Siberian elm (Ulmus pumila) on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga: drought stress and herbivory in mature trees. Environmental and Experimental Botany 66: 18-24.

116) Dulamsuren C, Hauck M, Nyambayar S, Osokhjargal D, Leuschner C (2009) Establishment of Ulmus pumila seedlings on steppe slopes of the northern Mongolian mountain taiga. Acta Oecologica 35: 563-572.

115) Gaul D, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2009) Estimating fine root longevity in a temperate Norway spruce forest using three independent methods. Functional Plant Biology 36: 11-19.

114) Guckland A, Jacob M, Flessa H, Thomas FM. Leuschner C (2009). Acidity, nutrient stocks and organic-matter content in soils of a temperate deciduous forest with different abundance of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 500-511.

113) Hauck M, Jürgens S-R, Huneck S, Leuschner C (2009) High acidity tolerance in lichens with fumarprotocetraric, perlatolic or thamnolic acids is correlated with low pKa1 values of these lichen substances. Environmental Pollution 157: 2776-2780.

112) Hauck M, Jürgens SR, Willenbruch K, Huneck S, Leuschner C (2009) Dissociation and metal-binding characteristics of yellow lichen substances suggest a relationship with site preferences of lichens. Annals of Botany 103: 13-22.

111) Hauck M, Paul A, Leuschner C (2009) Element uptake in thalli of the lichen Physcia caesia from sandstone and calcareous substratum. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 172: 839-842.

110) Hauck M, Willenbruch K, Leuschner C (2009) Lichen substances prevent lichens from nutrient deficiency. Journal of Chemical Ecology 35: 71-73.

109) Hertel D, Moser G, Culmsee H, Erasmi S, Horna V, Schuldt B, Leuschner C (2009) Below- and aboveground biomass and net primary production in a paleotropical natural forest (Sulawesi, Indonesia) as compared to neotropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1904-1912.

108) Jacob M, Weland N, Leuschner C, Schaefer M, Thomas FM (2009) Nutrient release from decomposing leaf litter of temperate deciduous forest trees along a gradient of increasing tree species diversity. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 41: 2122-2130

107) Köcher P, Gebauer T, Horna V, Leuschner C (2009) Leaf water status and stem xylem flux in relation to soil drought in five temperate broad-leaved tree species with contrasting water use strategies. Annals of Forest Science 66: 101.

106) Köckemann B, Buschmann H, Leuschner C (2009) The relationship between abundance, range size and niche breadth in Central European tree species. Journal of Biogeography 36: 854-864.

105) Lendzion J, Leuschner C (2009). Temperate forest herbs are adapted to high air humidity - Evidence from growth cabinet and humidity manipulation experiments in the field. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39: 2332-2342.

104) Leuschner C, Harteveld M, Hertel D (2009) Consequences of increasing forest use intensity for biomass, morphology and growth of fine roots in a tropical moist forest on Sulawesi, Indonesia. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 129: 474-481.

103) Leuschner C, Jungkunst HF, Fleck S (2009) Functional role of forest diversity: Pros and cons of synthetic stands and across-site comparisons in established forests. Basic and Applied Ecology 10: 1-9.

102) Leuschner C, Köckemann B, Buschmann H (2009) Abundance, niche breadth, and niche preferences of Central European tree species in the centre and at the margin of their distribution range. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1248-1259.

101) Leuschner C, Lendzion J (2009) Air humidity, soil moisture and soil chemical factors as determinants of the herb layer composition in beech forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 288-298.

100) Leuschner C, Voss S, Foetzki A, Meier IC (2009) In welcher Beziehung stehen geschätzter Blattverlust und tatsächliche Blattflächenreduktion bei der Buche? Forstarchiv 80: 229-235.

99) Meinen C, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2009) Biomass and morphology of fine roots in temperate broad-leaved forests differing in tree species diversity: is there evidence of below-ground overyielding? Oecologia 161: 99-111.

98) Meinen C, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2009) Root growth and recovery in temperate broad-leaved forest stands differing in tree species diversity. Ecosystems 12: 1103-1116.

97) Meinen C, Ryan NT, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2009) No evidence of spatial root system segregation and elevated root biomass in species-rich temperate broad-leaved forests. Trees 23: 941-950.

96) Mölder A, Bernhardt-Römermann M, Leuschner C, Schmidt W (2009) Zur Bedeutung der Winterlinde (Tilia cordata Mill.) in Eichen-Hainbuchen-Wäldern in Mittel- und Nordwestdeutschland. Tuexenia 29: 9-23.

95) Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake explains the calcifuge-calcicole behavior of the terricolous lichens Cladonia furcata subsp. furcata and C. rangiformis. Plant and Soil 319: 49-56.

94) Paul A, Hauck M, Leuschner C (2009) Iron and phosphate uptake in epiphytic and saxicolous lichens differing in their pH requirements. Environmental and Experimental Botany 67: 133-138.

93) Rewald B, Leuschner C (2009)  Does root competition asymmetry increase with water availability? Plant Ecology and Diversity 2: 255-264.

92) Rewald B, Leuschner C (2009) Belowground competition in a broad-leaved temperate mixed forest: pattern analysis and experiments in a four-species stand. European Journal of Forest Research 128: 387-398.

91) Rose L, Leuschner C, Köckemann B, Buschmann H (2009) Are marginal beech provenances a source for drought tolerant ecotypes? European Journal of Forest Research 128: 335-343.

90) Schmidt I, Leuschner C, Mölder A, Schmidt W (2009) Structure and composition of the seed bank in monospecific and tree species-rich temperate broad-leaved forests. Forest Ecology and Management 257: 695-702.


89) Gaul D, Hertel D, Borken W, Matzner E, Leuschner C (2008) Effects of experimental drought on the fine root system of mature Norway spruce. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1151-1159.

88) Gaul D, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2008) Effects of experimental frost on the fine-root system of mature Norway spruce. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171: 690-698.

87) Gebauer T, Horna V, Leuschner C (2008) Variability in radial sap flux density patterns and sapwood area among seven co-occurring temperate broad-leaved tree species. Tree Physiology 28:1821–1830.

86) Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2008) Estimating fine root turnover in tropical forests along an elevational transect using minirhizotrons. Biotropica 40: 536-542.

85) Graefe S, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2008) Fine root dynamics along a 2000-m elevation transect in South Ecuadorian mountain forests. Plant and Soil 313: 155-166.

84) Koehler L, Hölscher D, Leuschner C (2008) High litterfall in upper montane oak forests of Costa Rica. Plant Ecology 199: 163-173.

83) Lendzion J, Leuschner C (2008) Growth of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L) seedlings is limited by elevated atmospheric vapor pressure deficits. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 648-655.

82) Meier IC, Leuschner C (2008) Belowground drought response of European beech: fine root biomass and production in 14 mature stands across a precipitation gradient. Global Change Biology 14: 2081-2095.

81) Meier IC, Leuschner C (2008) Genotypic variation and phenotypic plasticity in the drought response of the fine root system of European beech. Tree Physiology 28: 297-309.

80) Meier IC, Leuschner C (2008) Leaf size and leaf area index in Fagus sylvatica forests: competing effects of precipitation, temperature and nitrogen availability. Ecosystems 11: 655-669.

79) Meyer S, Leuschner C, van Elsen T (2008) Schutzäcker für die Segetalflora in Deutschland – Bestandsanalyse und neue Impulse durch das Projekt „Biodiversität in der Agrarlandschaft“. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, Special Issue XXI: 363-368.

78) Moser G, Röderstein M, Soethe N, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2008) Altitudinal changes in stand structure and biomass allocation of tropical mountain forests in relation to microclimate and soil chemistry. In: Beck E, Bendix J, Kottke I, Makeschin F, Mosandl R (eds). Gradients in a Tropical Mountain Ecosystem of Ecuador. Ecological Studies 198, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 229-242.

77) van Elsen T, Meyer S, Leuschner C, Güthler W (2008) Schutzäcker – ein Konzept zur Erhaltung und Förderung der Diversität der Ackerwildkrautvegetation in Deutschland. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften 20: 313-314.

76) Zach A, Horna V, Leuschner C (2008) Elevational change in woody tissue CO2 efflux in a tropical mountain rain forest in southern Ecuador. Tree Physiology 28: 67-74.


75) Dietz J, Hölscher D, Leuschner C, Hendrayanto (2007) Rainfall partitioning in relation to forest structure in differently managed montane forest stands in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Forest Ecology and Management 237: 170-178.

74) Dietz J, Hölscher D, Leuschner C, Malik A, Amir MA (2007) Forest structure as influenced by different types of community forestry in a lower montane rainforest of Sulawesi, Indonesia. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 133-148.

73) Dietz J, Leuschner C, Hölscher D, Kreilein H (2007) Vertical patterns and duration of surface wetness in an old-growth tropical montane rainforest, Indonesia. Flora 202: 111-117.

72) Fleck S, Obertreiber N, Schmidt I, Brauns M, Jungkunst H, Leuschner C (2007) Terrestrial LIDAR measurements for analysing canopy structure in an old-growth forest. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 36 W52: 125-129

71) Harteveld M, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2008) Spatial and temporal variability of fine root abundance and growth in tropical moist forests and agroforestry systems (Sulawesi, Indonesia). Ecotropica 13: 111-120.

70) Hertel D, Leuschner C, Harteveld M, Wiens M (2007) Fine root mass, distribution and regeneration in disturbed primary forests and secondary forests of the moist tropics. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 89-108.

69) Leuschner C, Moser G, Bertsch C, Röderstein M, Hertel D (2007) Large altitudinal increase in tree root/shoot ratio in tropical mountain forests of Ecuador. Basic and Applied Ecology 8:.219-230.

68) Manthey M, Leuschner C, Haerdtle W (2007) Buchenwälder und Klimawandel. Natur und Landschaft 82: 441-445.

67) Moser G, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2007) Altitudinal change of leaf area and leaf mass in tropical mountain forests – a transect study in Ecuador and a pan-tropical meta-analysis. Ecosystems 10: 924-935.

66) Steffan-Dewenter I, Kessler M, Barkmann J, Bos M, Erasmi S, Faust H, Gradstein SR, Kappas M, Harteveld M, Hertel D, Höhn, P, Leuschner C, Marggraf R, Migge-Kleian S, Pitopang R, Schaefer M, Schwarze S, Shahabuddin, Sporn S, Woltmann L, Zeller M, Tscharntke T (2007) Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification. PNAS 104: 4973-4978.

65) Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (2007) The stability of tropical rainforest margins: Linking ecological, economic and social constraints of land use and conservation – an introduction. In: Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 1-10.

64) Tscharntke T, Leuschner C, Zeller M, Guhardja E, Bidin A (eds) (2007) Stability of Tropical Rainforest Margins: Linking Ecological, Economic and Social Constraints of Land Use and Conservation. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 515 pp.


63) Hertel D, Hölscher D, Köhler L, Leuschner C (2006) Changes in fine root system size and structure during secondary succession in tropical montane forests of the Cordillera de Talamanca, Costa Rica. In: Kappelle M (ed) Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Oak Forests. Ecologoical Studies 185, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 283-297.

62) Hertel D, Leuschner C (2006) The in situ root chamber: a novel tool for the experimental analysis of root competition and fine root dynamics in forests. Pedobiologia 50: 217-224.

61) Köhler L, Hölscher D, Leuschner C (2006) Above-ground water and nutrient fluxes in three successional stages of montane oak forest with contrasting abundance of epiphytes, Costa Rica. In: Kappelle M (ed) Ecology and Conservation of Neotropical Montane Oak Forests. Ecologoical Studies 185, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 271-282.

60) Leuschner C, Bohman K, Keßler P, Pitopang R (2006) Detecting tree functional types: influence of sampling strategy on the distinction between tropical primary and secondary forest species. Ecotropica 12: 151-160.

59) Leuschner C, Meier I, Hertel D (2006) On the niche breadth of Fagus sylvatica: soil nutrient status in 50 Central European beech stands on a broad range of bedrock types. Annals of Forest Science 63: 355-368.

58) Leuschner C, Voss S, Foetzki A, Clases Y (2006) Variation in leaf area index and stand leaf mass of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) across gradients of soil acidity and precipitation. Plant Ecology 186: 247-258.

57) Leuschner C, Wiens M, Harteveld M, Hertel D, Tjitrosemito S (2006) Patterns of fine root mass and distribution along a disturbance gradient in a tropical montane forest, Central Sulawesi. Plant and Soil 283: 163-174.


56) Aspelmeier S, Leuschner C (2005) Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth): leaf and root morphology and allometry. Trees 20: 42-52.

55) Coners H, Leuschner C (2005) In situ measurement of fine root water absorption in three temperate tree species. - Temporal variability and control by soil and atmospheric factors. Basic and Applied Ecology 6: 395-405.

54) Hölscher D, Koch O, Leuschner C (2005) Sap flux of five co-occurring tree species in a temperate broad-leaved forest during seasonal soil drought. Trees 19: 628-637.

53) Hölscher D, Leuschner C, Bohman K, Hagemeier M, Jurhbandt J, Tjitrosemito S (2005) Leaf gas exchange of trees in old-growth and young secondary forest stands of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Trees 19: 628-637.

52) Köhler L, Gieger T, Leuschner C (2005) Altitudinal change in soil and foliar nutrient concentrations and in microclimate across the tree line on the subtropical island mountain Mt. Teide (Canary Islands). Flora 201: 202-214.

51) Leuschner C (2005) Vegetation and ecosystems. In: Van der Maarel E (ed) Vegetation Ecology. Blackwell, Oxford, UK. pp. 85-105.

50) Meier IC, Leuschner C, Hertel D (2005) Nutrient return with leaf litter fall in Fagus sylvatica forests across a soil fertility gradient. Plant Ecology 177: 99-112.

49) Röderstein M, Hertel D, Leuschner C (2005) Above- and below-ground litter production in three tropical mountain forests (South Ecuador). Journal of Tropical Ecology 21: 483-492.

48) Schipka F, Heimann J, Leuschner C (2005) Regional variation in canopy transpiration of Central European beech forests. Oecologia 143: 260-270.

47) Wübbenhorst D, Leuschner C (2005) Vegetation structure in the breeding site of the partridge (Perdix perdix L.) and its possible role in population decline in Central Europe. Polnish Journal of Ecology 54: 57-67.


46) Aspelmeier S, Leuschner C (2004) Genotypic variation in drought response of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth): leaf water status and carbon gain. Tree Physiology 24: 517-528.

45) Gieger T, Leuschner C (2004) Altitudinal change in needle water relations of Pinus canariensis and possible evidence of a drought-induced alpine timberline on Mt. Teide, Tenerife. Flora 199: 100-109.

44) Hölscher D, Leuschner C, Bohman K, Juhrbandt J, Tjitrosemito S (2004) Photosynthetic characteristics in relation to leaf traits in eight co-existing pioneer tree species in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Journal of Tropical Ecology 19: 157-164.

43) Juhrbandt J, Leuschner C, Hölscher D (2004) The relationship between maximal stomatal conductance and leaf traits in eight Southeast Asian pioneer tree species. Forest Ecology Management 202: 245-256.

42) Leuschner C (2004) Die Höhenstufen tropischer und subtropischer Inseln. In: Walter H, Breckle S-W (eds) Ökologie der Erde. Band 2. Spezielle Ökologie der Tropen und Subtropen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, pp. 158-164.

41) Leuschner C, Coners H, Icke R (2004) In situ measurement of fine root water absorption in three temperate tree species. Species differences and differential activity of superficial and deep reaching roots. Tree Physiology 24:1359-1367.

40) Leuschner,C, Hertel D, Muhs A, Schmid I, Koch O (2004) Stand fine root biomass and fine root morphology in old-growth beech forests in response to rainfall height and soil acidity. Plant and Soil 258: 43-56.

39) Schulze CH, Waltert M, Kessler PJA, Pitopang R, Shahabuddin, Veddeler D, Mühlenberg M, Gradstein SR, Leuschner C, Steffan-Dewenter I, Tscharntke T (2004) Biodiversity indicator groups of tropical land-use systems: comparing plants, birds and insects. Ecological Applications 14: 1321-1333.


38) Frech A, Leuschner C, Hagemeier M, Hölscher D (2003) Nachbarschaftsbezogene Analyse der Kronenraumbesetzung von Esche, Hainbuche und Winterlinde in einem artenreichen Laubmischwald (Nationalpark Hainich, Thüringen). Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 122: 22-35.

37) Hertel D, Leuschner C, Hölscher D (2003) Size and structure of fine root systems in old-growth and secondary tropical montane forests (Costa Rica). Biotropica 35: 143-153.

36) Hölscher D, Köhler L, Leuschner C, Kapelle M (2003) Nutrient fluxes in stemflow and throughfall in three successional stages of an upper montane rain forest in Costa Rica. Journal of Tropical Ecology. 19: 557-565.

35) Leuschner C (2003) Neue Erkenntnisse zur Ökologie der Buchenwälder – Konsequenzen für Forstplanung und Naturschutz. Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 42: 33-34.

34) Leuschner C, Coners H, Icke R, Hartmann K, Effinger ND, Schreiber L (2003) Chemical composition of the periderm in relation to in situ water absorption rates of oak, beech and spruce fine roots. Annals of Forest Science 60: 763-772.

33) Leuschner C, Hertel D (2003) Fine root biomass in temperate forests in relation to site fertility, water regime and species. Progress in Botany 64: 405-438.


32) Coners H, Leuschner C (2002) Water absorption by tree fine roots measured in situ with miniature sap flow gauges. Functional Ecology 16: 696-703.

31) Hertel D, Leuschner C (2002) A comparison of four different fine root production estimates with ecosystem carbon balance data in a Fagus-Quercus mixed forest. Plant and Soil 239: 237-251.

30) Hölscher D, Hertel D, Leuschner C, Hottkowitz M (2002) Tree species diversity and soil patchiness in a temperate broad-leaved forest with limited rooting space. Flora 197: 118-125.

29) Leuschner C (2002) Air humidity as an ecological factor for woodland herbs: leaf water status, nutrient uptake, leaf anatomy and productivity of eight species when grown at low or high vpd. Flora 197: 262-274.

28) Leuschner C (2002) Forest succession and water resources: soil hydrology and ecosystem water turnover in early, mid and late stages of a 300-yr-long chronosequence on sandy soil. In: Dohrenbusch A, Bartsch N (eds) Forest Development. Succession, Environmental Stress and Forest Management. Springer, Berlin, Gremany, pp. 1-68.

27) Leuschner C (2002) Steinschutt-Hangwälder und Felsfluren auf sauren Gesteinen im Bodetal (Unterharz). Tuexenia 22: 269-278.

26) Steverding M, Leuschner C (2002) Auswirkungen des Fichtenanbaus auf die Brutvogelgemeinschaften einer Waldlandschaft (Kaufunger Wald, Nordhessen). Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 121: 83-96.


25) Hölscher D, Schade E, Leuschner C (2001) Effects of coppicing in temperate deciduous forests on ecosystem nutrient pools and soil fertility. Basic and Applied Ecology 2: 155-164.

24) Leuschner C (2001) Changes in forest ecosystem function with succession in the Lüneburger Heide. In: Tenhunen J, Hantschel R, Lenz R (eds) Ecosystems Properties and Landscape Function in Central Europe. Ecological Studies 147, Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 517-568.

23) Leuschner C, Backes K, Hertel D, Schipka F, Schmitt U, Terborg O, Runge M (2001) Drought responses at leaf, stem and fine root levels of competitive Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. trees in dry and wet years. Forest Ecology and Management 149: 33-46.

22) Leuschner C, Hertel D, Coners H, Büttner V (2001) Root competition between beech and oak: a hypothesis. Oecologia 126: 276-284.


21) Backes K, Leuschner C (2000) Leaf water relations of competitive Fagus sylvatica L. and Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. trees during four years differing in soil drought. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30: 335-346.

20) Leuschner C (2000) Are high elevations in tropical mountains arid environments for plants? Ecology 81: 1425-1436.

19) Wübbenhorst D, Koenies H, Leuschner C (2000) Habitatwahl von sechs Froschlurchtaxa (Anura) in Lebensräumen mit hohen Populationsdichten in Nordost-Ungarn. Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 39: 149-166.


18) Leuschner C, Rode MW (1999) The role of plant resources in forest succession: changes in radiation, water and nutrient fluxes, and plant productivity over a 300-yr-long chronosequence in NW Germany. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 2: 103-147.

17) Senock R,  Leuschner C (1999) Water flux dynamics in small diameter roots of a fast growing tropical tree. Plant and Soil 208: 57-71.

16) Leuschner C (1998) Vegetation an der Waldgrenze und in der alpinen Stufe in den Gebirgen tropischer und subtropischer Inseln. Geographische. Rundschau 50: 690-697.

15) Leuschner C (1998) Water extraction by tree fine roots in the forest floor of a temperate Fagus-Quercus Forest. Annals of Forest Science 55: 141-157.

14) Leuschner C, Landwehr S, Mehlig U (1998) Carbon assimilation of intertidal Zostera noltii and Z. marina plants (seagrasses) is limited by desiccation at low tide. Aquatic Botany 62: 171-176.

13) Schmid I, Leuschner C (1998) Warum fehlt den Gipsbuchenwäldern des Kyffhäusers (Thüringen) eine Krautschicht? Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt 117: 277-288.

12) Leuschner C (1997) Das Konzept der potentiellen natürlichen Vegetation (PNV): Schwachstellen und Entwicklungsperspektiven. Flora 192: 379-391.

11) Leuschner C (1996) Timberline and alpine vegetation on the tropical and warm-temperate oceanic islands of the world: elevation, structure and floristics. Vegetatio 123: 193-206.

10) Büttner V, Leuschner C (1994) Spatial and temporal patterns of fine root abundance in a mixed oak-beech forest. Forest Ecology and Management 70: 11-21.

9) Leuschner C (1994) Walddynamik auf Sandböden in der Lüneburger Heide, NW-Deutschland. Phytocoenologia 22: 289-324.

8) Leuschner C, Immenroth J (1994) Landschaftsveränderungen in der Lüneburger Heide 1775-1985. - Dokumentation und Bilanzierung auf der Grundlage historischer Karten. Archiv für Naturschutz und Landschaftsforschung 23: 85-139.

7) Leuschner C (1993) Patterns of soil water depletion under coexisting oak and beech trees in a mixed stand. Phytocoenologia 23: 19-33.

6) Leuschner C (1993) Resource availability at three presumed stages of a heathland succession, Lüneburger Heide, Germany. Journal of Vegetation Science 4: 255-262.

5) Leuschner C, Rees U (1993) CO2 gas exchange of two intertidal seagrass species, Zostera marina L. and Z. noltii Hornem., during emersion. Aquatic Botany 45: 53-62.

4) Leuschner C, Rode MW, Heinken T (1993) Gibt es eine Nährstoffmangel-Grenze der Buche im nordwestdeutschen Flachland? Flora 188: 239-249.

3) Leuschner C, Schulte M (1991) Microclimatological investigations in the tropical alpine scrub of Maui, Hawaii: Evidence for a drought-induced alpine timberline. Pacific Science 45: 152-168.

2) Leuschner C (1989) Zur Rolle von Wasserverfügbarkeit und Stickstoffangebot als limitierende Standortsfaktoren in verschiedenen basiphytischen Trockenrasen-Gesellschaften des Oberelsaß, Frankreich. Phytocoenologia 18: 1-54.

1) Leuschner C, Scherer B (1989) Fundamentals of an applied ecosystem research project in the Wadden Sea of Schleswig-Holstein. Helgoländische Meeresuntersuchungen 43: 565-574.


Other publications


43  Leuschner C (2021) Wald in Deutschland im Spannungsfeld von Forstwirtschaft und Naturschutz.

42 Leuschner C, Glatthorn J, Kaufmann S, Feldmann E, Klingenberg E (2020) Ökosystemfunktionen von Buchen-Urwäldern: Kohlenstoffbindung und Pflanzendiversität. Nationalpark-Jahrbuch Unteres Odertal 2020, Bd. III: 28-37.

41 Drenckhahn D, Arneth A, Filser J, Haberl H, Hansjürgens B, Herrmann B, Homeier J, Leuschner C, Mosbrugger V, Reusch T, Schäffer A, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Tockner K (2020) Globale Diversität in der Krise – Was können Deutschland und die EU dagegen tun? Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina, Diskussion Nr. 24. Halle (S.).

40 Leuschner C (2015) Monospecific and mixed stands of Fagus and Nothofagus species in the temperate zones of the world. Berichte der Reinhold Tüxen-Gesellschaft 27: 49-63.

39 Meyer S, Leuschner C (Hrsg) (2015) 100 Äcker für die Vielfalt – Initiativen zur Förderung der Ackerwildkrautflora in Deutschland. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 351 S.

38 Leuschner C, Wesche K, Meyer S, Krause B, Steffen K, Becker T, Culmsee H (2013) Veränderungen und Verarmung in der Offenlandvegetation Norddeutschlands seit den 1950er Jahren: Wiederholungsaufnahmen in Äckern, Grünland und Fließgewässern. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 25: 166-182.

37 Meyer S, Wesche K, Krause B, Leuschner C (2013) Veränderungen in der Segetalflora in den letzten Jahrzehnten und mögliche Konsequenzen für Agrarvögel. Julius-Kühn-Archiv (Quedlinburg) 442: 64-78.

36 Kohlbrecher C, Wesche K, Hilbig W, Leuschner C, Meyer S (2012) Veränderungen in der Segetalflora am Kyffhäusergebirge in den letzten 50 Jahren. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 49: 1-9.

35 Leuschner C (2010) Mitteleuropäische Wälder und der prognostizierte Klimawandel - Fakten und Thesen zur Situation der Buche. Berichte der Reinhold Tüxen-Gesellschaft 22: 96-106.

34 Meyer S, Wesche K, Leuschner C, van Elsen, T, Metzner J (2010) Schutzbemühungen für die Segetalflora Deutschlands – Das Projekt „100 Äcker für die Vielfalt“. Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt IX (Bonn): 59-64.

33 Wesche K, Krause B, Culmsee H, Leuschner C (2009) Veränderungen in der Flächen-Ausdehnung und Artenzusammensetzung des Feuchtgrünlandes in Norddeutschland seit den 1950er Jahren. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 21: 196-210.

32 Leuschner C (2008) Die Trockenheitsempfindlichkeit der Rotbuche vor dem Hintergrund des prognostizierten Klimawandels. Jahrbuch der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 2008: 281-296.

31 Leuschner C, Moser G (2008) Carbon allocation and productivity in tropical mountain forests. In: Gradstein SR, Homeier J, Gansert D (eds) The tropical mountain forest - patterns and processes in a biodiversity hotspot. Göttingen Center for Biodiversity and Ecology. University of Göttingen. Biodiversity and Ecology Series 2: 111-130.

30 Leuschner C, Schade E, Hölscher D, Koenies H (2007) Auswirkungen der Niederwaldwirtschaft im Siegerland (Nordrhein-Westfalen) auf die Nährstoffvorräte in Boden und Biomasse. In: Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (ed) Niederwälder in Nordrhein-Westfalen. LANUV (Recklingshausen): 17-31.

29 Leuschner C (2004) Die Arche Noah in Not – Die globale Biodiversitätskrise. VDL-Journal 53: 8-9.

28 Leuschner C, Schipka F (2004) Vorstudie Klimawandel und Naturschutz in Deutschland. BfN Skripten 115: 1-33.

27 Leuschner C, Hagemeier M (2003) Funktionale Diversität mitteleuropäischer Baumarten. Kleine Senckenberg-Reihe 45: 163-170.

26 Leuschner C (2002) Unbekannter Lebensraum Baumkrone: Schatzkiste der Biodiversität. Georgia Augusta 1/2002: 18-25.

25 Leuschner C, Gerlach A (2000) Akkumulation von organischer Substanz und Nährstoffen im Boden während langfristiger terrestrischer Primär- und Sekundärsukzessionen in Mitteleuropa. Geobotanisches Kolloquium 15: 47-58.

24 Leuschner C (1999) Einige kritische Anmerkungen zur Konstruktion der potentiellen natürlichen Vegetation. Berichte der Norddeutschen. Naturschutzakademie 2/99: 88-93.

23 Leuschner C (1999) Konkurrenz zwischen Pflanzen - Definitionen, Forschungsansätze und Forschungsbedarf. Bielefelder Ökologische Beiträge 14: 1-17.

22 Leuschner C (1999) Zur Abhängigkeit der Baum- und Krautschicht mitteleuropäischer Waldgesellschaften von der Nährstoffversorgung des Bodens. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft 11: 109-131.

21 Coners H, Hertel D, Leuschner C (1998) Das Grob- und Feinwurzelsystem von konkurrierenden Buchen und Eichen in einem Mischbestand. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 28: 435-440.

20 Hertel D, Leuschner C (1998) Feinwurzelumsatz und interspezifische Konkurrenz von Buchen- und Eichenwurzeln in einem Mischbestand. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 28: 441-448.

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10 Greve A, Leuschner C, Kriebitzsch W-U (1992) Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen in einem Heide-Anflugwald auf armen Sanden der Lüneburger Heide. I. CO2-Gaswechsel von Betula pendula und Pinus sylvestris unter natürlichen Bedingungen. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 21: 143-147.

09 Leuschner C (1992). A causal-functional approach to the study of heathland-forest succession in north-west Germany: theoretical background and conceptual framework. In: Teller R, Mathy J, Jeffers JNR (eds) Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Terrestrial Ecosystems: Forests and Woodlands - Florence, May 1991, 943-944.

08 Leuschner C (1992) Ökophysiologische Untersuchungen in einem Heide-Anflugwald auf armen Sanden der Lüneburger Heide: II. Blatt-Wasserstatus von Betula pendula und Pinus sylvestris. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 21: 155-158.

07 Rode MW, Leuschner C, Runge M, Clauss C, Danner E, Lübbe K, Markgraf S (1992) Heathland-forest succession in  northwest Germany: Morphological and chemical properties of the soil under different successional stages. In: Teller R, Mathy J, Jeffers JNR (eds) Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Terrestrial Ecosystems: Forests and Woodlands - Florence, May 1991, 780-781.

06 Weykam S, Leuschner C, Rode MW, Runge M (1992) Fine root distribution in the organic layer of a mixed oak-beech stand on poor sandy soil. In: Kutschera L et al. (eds) Root Ecology and its Practical Application. Proceedings of the Third Symposium of the International Society of Root Research - 1992, Klagenfurt, 509-512.

05 Leuschner C, Rode MW (1991) Ursachen und Mechanismen der Heide-Wald-Sukzession in der Lüneburger Heide: Methodenüberblick, Bestandesklimatologie und ökosystemarer Wasser- und Elementumsatz. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme B, 22: 293-298.

04 Leuschner C (1990) Ökosystemforschung im schleswig-holsteinischen Wattenmeer: Wissenschaftstheoretische und methodische Aspekte. UBA-Texte (Berlin) 7: 40-57.

03 Leuschner C (1988) Ökosystemforschung Wattenmeer. Erarbeitung der Konzeption sowie Organisation des Gesamtvorhabens (Forschungsverbund). Forschungsberichte des Umweltbundesamtes Berlin 10902020/01, 155 S.

02 Leuschner C (1987). Niederschlagsinterzeption und Verdunstung in einer Goldhaferwiese und in der Krautschicht eines Kalkbuchenwaldes. Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 16: 237-244.

01 Leuschner C (1986) Niederschlags-Interzeption aus ökologischer Sicht: Mikrometeo-rologische und physiologische Untersuchungen in krautigen Pflanzenbeständen. Berichte des Forschungszentrums Waldökosysteme  A, 23: 208 S.




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